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According to my concordance of the Authorised Version of the Bible, it appears 538 times, and the parallel phrase, 'thou shalt', appears 1212 times. But the phrase, 'I will', which mosly refers to God, appears 2620 times
There isn't an equality as the phrase is an inequality. Mathematically, it would be written: oranges_sold > 25
In Excel which type of cell reference preserves the exact cell address in a formula? In this universe, 3D refers to solid (real) objects (probably because you need three dimensions to define a point in space).
One idiom that starts in such a way would be "a row of fools on a row of stools." This phrase refers to people that spend a lot of time sitting at a bar.
The same Latin phrase is on EVERY U.S. coin - E Pluribus Unum, meaning "From Many, One". It refers to the fact that the U.S. is one country made up of many states and people. You did look at other coins to see if they had the same phrase, I assume - ??
There's actually no such language as "Celtic". Celtic refers to a group of dozens of languages, six of which are spoken today:BretonCornishIrish GaelicManxScottish GaelicWelsh
Use "is" after a prepositional phrase that refers to a singular subject and "are" after a prepositional phrase that refers to a plural subject. For example, "The book on the table is mine" (singular subject - book) or "The flowers in the garden are beautiful" (plural subject - flowers).
An example of metonymy in The House on Mango Street is when Esperanza refers to an old man in the neighborhood as "the monkey garden's keeper." This phrase uses the term "monkey garden" to represent the man's role of taking care of the garden, highlighting how closely associated he is with that particular area.
Long Beach can be a set phrase if it refers specifically to the city in California. It can also be a descriptive phrase if it refers generally to a long stretch of beach.
Aero Garden refers to an American Gardening company and therefore is not a garden that was designed as such. The Aero Garden website provides full information.
It depends on what the phrase "alphabets of the drive" refers to. This is not a common English phrase.
This puzzle refers to the phrase "back and forth."
B2C is the abbreviation for the phrase business to consumer. This refers to a company which sells their product directly to the consumer without a middle company or person involved. Amazon is an example of a B2C company.
An infant's temperament refers most directly to its emotional excitability. Temperament refers to aspects of a person's personality, like extroversion or introversion, in psychology.
The phrase "pie in the sky" is a figure of speech that refers to having to do with an aspiration for a special reward. It also refers to a future reward after death.
Perhaps coincidentally, the phrase "light speed" refers to a speed.It is a speed.