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The slope of the tangent line at .050M hypochlorite ions is .0032M/S. This rate is much lower than the rate calculated in part d. In general, the more concentrated a solution the higher the reaction rate because the concentration of hypochlorite ions is the same in both reactions this reaction must have a lower concentration of iodine ions than the reaction in part d.

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Q: The plot below shows data from the table above Calculate the rate using the plot when the reaction uses 0.050 M hypochlorite ions Rate is equal to the slope of the tangent line when the reaction use?
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Which method is used to calculate the slope on a distanced-time graph?

Slope = change in y (distance) / change in x (time). If the graph is not a straight line then either apply the above formula to the tangent at the point of interest or differentiate the equation of the graph.

How do you calculate percentage of igcse subject?

you cant really calculate it since you dont have any variables just take the average an A is 85% n above an A* is above 90% a B is above 75% and a C is above 70%

Can Two intersecting lines both be tangents?

It's possible for any number of intersecting lines to all be tangent to the same circle. Think of a dinner plate sitting in a pizza box that just exactly fits it. Looking straight down from above, it looks like a circle inside a square. All four sides of the square are tangent to the circle.

Cu---Cu plus 2 plus 2e- this equation above represents the type of reaction called?


What is meant by the length of transverse common tangent?

Calculate the length of a direct common tangent of two circles of radii 3cm and 8cm with their centres 13cm apart?soln.-Consider two circles of radii 8 cm and 5 cm with center D and C respectively.It is given that, distance between the center of the circle is 13 cm.∴ DC = 13 cmLet AB be the length of common tangent.From above figure, it is quite clear that AB = CE = x cm (let) andDE = AD - AE = 8 cm - 3 cm = 5 cmIn right triangle DCE, by pythagoras theorem,DC2 = DE2 + CE2⇒ 132 = 52 + x2⇒ x2 = 169 - 25⇒ x2 = 144⇒ x = √144 cm = 12 cmHence, AB = CE = x cm = 12 cmHence, the length of direct common tangent is 12 cm.

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Which method is used to calculate the slope on a distanced-time graph?

Slope = change in y (distance) / change in x (time). If the graph is not a straight line then either apply the above formula to the tangent at the point of interest or differentiate the equation of the graph.

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A circle's tangent is exactly the same as a triangle's tangent. If you look at a circle, you can make the radius the hypotenuse. Then make a vertical line from the point, and a horizontal line from the center. If you look, you have a triangle made inside the circle. This is why angles can be measured in radians, a unit that is derived from the circumference of a circle.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By doing a little calculus, we find that the slope of the equation of a circle-the slope of the tangent line-is given by the tangent of an angle.AnswerEverything written above is correct, but doesn't have anything to do with tangents (in the circle sense of the word). Suppose you're given an angle theta. Draw a circle together with two radii, one horizontal and the other at an angle theta from the first one. (So far, this is the same as above.) Now draw the tangent to the circle at X, the point where the non-horizontal radius meets the circumference. Let Y be the point where this tangent meets the horizontal line through the centre. Then, assuming the radius is 1, tan(theta) is the distance XY, which is the length of part of the tangent.

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you cant really calculate it since you dont have any variables just take the average an A is 85% n above an A* is above 90% a B is above 75% and a C is above 70%

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Why is a catalyst written above the arrow in a chemical equation rather than with the reactants?

A catalyst is written above the arrow in a chemical equation to show that it is not consumed in the reaction and thus does not appear in the overall stoichiometry of the reaction. This means that it does not take part in the reaction as a reactant or a product, but it still helps in speeding up the reaction. Placing it above the arrow helps to distinguish it from other reactants or products.

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What of the above reaction?

This cannot be answered. You will have to give me more detail.

Where is a catalyst written in an equation?

A catalyst is typically written above the arrow in a chemical equation, indicating its role in speeding up the reaction without being consumed itself. It is not listed as a reactant or product in the equation.

What if your reaction to student fighting in the hall way?

please answer me for above question