No, a kilometer is 1000 meters (kilo is a Greek prefix used by SI for one thousand. Mega is the prefix for one million)
Quadrillion may mean either of the two numbers (depends on long and short scales):1,000,000,000,000,000 (one thousand million million; 1015; SI prefix peta) - increasingly common meaning in English language usage.1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1024; SI prefix yotta) - increasingly rare meaning in English language usage. It is 1,000,000,000,000,000.Simply put, in the English language, it is "one thousand trillion."
A megaton is equivalent to the destructive power of 1,000,000 (a million) tons of TNT. "Mega" is used as a prefix meaning "a million".
It is the prefix meaning '10'.
The metric prefix meaning one million is mega-, as in megabyte.The metric prefix meaning one-millionth is micro-, as in micrometer.
The SI prefix for million is "Mega".
Nano- means million.
Oct- is the prefix meaning eight. One of the most common words for this is octagon.
The metric prefix meaning one tenth is deci as in decimeter
The prefix for one sixth is "hexa-."
The Greek fractional prefix meaning one one-billionth is "nano-".
The prefix meaning x 1000 is "kilo-".
Quadrillion may mean either of the two numbers (see long and short scales for more detail): * 1,000,000,000,000,000 (one thousand million million; 1015; SI prefix peta-) - for all short scale countries - increasingly common meaning in English language usage * 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one million million million million; 1024; SI prefix: yotta-) - for all long scale countries - increasingly rare meaning in English language usage .
The prefix meaning one thousand standard units is "kilo-".