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Q: The purchase day book is a part of the ledger statement are 'true' or 'false'?
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What relationship between the journal and the ledger?

Both the Journal and the Ledger are the two most important books used under the Double Entry System of "Book-Keeping". The relationship between the "Journal & Ledger" could be expressed as follows: Journal is the book of first or original entry - since all the Business Transactions are recorded first of all in the "Journal". While the "Ledger" is the book of second entry - since the transactions are "Posted" to the "Ledger" from the Journal. The Journal records tranasactions in "Chronological order", while the Ledger records the transactions in analytical order. The Journal is more reliable than Ledger since it is the book in which the entry is entered first. The process of recording transations is termed as "Journalising" while the process of recording transactions in the Ledger is called as "Posting". Ramesh Kutumbaka

What book in the Bible contains the statement 'many are called but few are chosen'?

Matthew 22:14.

I need my routing number and account number?

The routing number can be found by googling your banks name (*** banks routing number) or on your checks, Your account number should be located on your check book or savings account ledger.

Is there a book in the bible called Jude?

Yes, there is a book in the Bible called Jude. It is the last book in the New Testament and is a short epistle written by Jude, who identifies himself as the brother of James. It addresses false teachings and exhorts believers to contend for the faith.

The purchase price of a book is 35.85 The sales tax rate is 6.5 percent How much is the sales tax to the nearest cent What is the total cost of the book?

Sales tax is $2.33 ; total cost is 38.18

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What is the Difference between cash book and ledger?

Day book is the book which we use to record day today record,but Ledger is a book in which we keep classified data

Why a cashbook is called Journalised ledger?

Cash book is a journal because the transactions are recorded in it for the first time from the source of document and from journal these transactions are posted to the respective account in the ledger. We can say cash book is a ledger also in the sense that it serves the purpose of cash account also.As such cash book is journal as well as ledger, and hence it may call journalised ledger.

The general ledger is a book of?


What is the book of final entry?


What is dual function of the cash book as a book of prime entry?

it serves as a prime book as well as a ledger

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how to fill a membership transfer ledger book

What does ledger mean?

It means a account book.

What is a stock ledger?

a book that you list your stock in

Cashbook as a tool for management?

They can be fine. So can a ledger book. The ledger book will cost less than the many offers you'll see on line.

What is ledger folio in accounting?

The final destination of all entries made in the journal is the ledger as they are all subsequently transferred to it. The ledger is the most important book under the double-entry system. Ledger is a permanent book of record, which contains all accounts relating to the financial transactions of a business. Therefore, it is also called the book of accounts. An account contained in the ledger book is called ledger account. A ledger account is a statement shaped liked an English alphabet 'T' that systematically contains all financial transactions relating to either a particular person or thing for a certain period of time. Ledger account provides financial information such as how much a particular person owes to or from the business, what is the value of particular asset the business possesses at a point in time, or what is the amount of particular head of expense or income business has incurred or earned during a particular period. , The ledger book, therefore, contains the details of all classified information of financial transactions of the business. It is also called the principal or main book of accounts. It collects records and provides the financial information of the business in a classified manner so as to ascertain the profit and loss and financial position of the business at a certain point of time.

What do mean book to book transfer?

A book in a book transfer is typically an underlying understanding, which means within the same ledger books of a bank or financial institutions. Every Bank or FI maintains their core banking via certain ledger systems which were earlier called as ledger books (maintaining account balances, cash in bank, expenses, revenues etc.). The book transfer evolved from the same thought of movement of fund within same ledger book. So its Book Transfer.

What is an account book?

An account book is a book in which financial accounts are kept - also called a ledger.