all major intersection have various other signs offering information to road users
y = mx + b y = mx + c c does not equal b the two equations are parallel and will therefore never intersect with one another.
No.Neither are commutative: a - b does not equal b - a, and a/b does not equal b/a.Neither is associative: (a - b) - c does not equal a - (b - c), and (a/b)/c does not equal a/(b/c).Examples of these are:4 - 2 does not equal 2 - 4.1/3 does not equal 3/1.(6 - 5) - 1 does not equal 6 - (5 - 1).(10/2)/2 does not equal 10/(2/2).
suppose x is in B. there are two cases you have to consider. 1. x is in A. 2. x is not in A Case 1: x is in A. x is also in B. then x is in A intersection B. Since A intersection B = A intersection C, then this means x is in A intersection C. this implies that x is in C. Case 2: x is not in A. then x is in B. We know that x is in A union B. Since A union B = A union C, this means that x is in A or x is in C. since x is not in A, it follows that x is in C. We have shown that B is a subset of C. To show that C is subset of B, we do the same as above.
It's basically the same concept. Like subtraction is the opposite of addition, and division is the opposite of multiplication. Just the reverse. Kind of hard to explain.... ask your teacher!
A+c= 2a+b
No. Suppose A = {1,2}, B = {1,2,3,4,5,6} and C = {1,2,3,5,7,11}. The intersection of A with B is {1,2}, the intersection of A with C is also {1,2}, but B is not equal to C.
Draw your Venn Diagram as three overlapping circles. Each circle is a set. The union of the sets is what's contained within all 3 circles, making sure not to count the overlapping portion twice. An easier problem is when you have 2 sets, lets say A and B. In a Venn Diagram that looks like 2 overlapping circles. A union B = A + B - (A intersect B) A intersect B is the region that both circles have in common. You subtract that because it has already been included when you added circle A, so you don't want to add that Again with circle B, thus you subtract after adding B. With three sets, A, B, C A union B union C = A + B - (A intersect B) + C - (A intersect C) - (B intersect C) + (A intersect B intersect C) You have to add the middle region (A intersect B intersect C) back because when you subtract A intersect C and B intersect C you are actually subtracting the very middle region Twice, and that's not accurate. This would be easier to explain if we could actually draw circles.
b & c
Circle A only: 9, 27, 45, 63, 81, 99, 117 Circle B only: No numbers Circle C only: 21, 42, 84, 105 Circles A and B intersect: 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108 Circles B and C intersect: No numbers. Circles A and C intersect: 63 Circles A, B and C intersect: 126
b. distance is a scalar quantity.
y = mx + b y = mx + c c does not equal b the two equations are parallel and will therefore never intersect with one another.
You can use if-else statements to check for equality.Eg:char a, b, c;scanf("%c%c%c", &a, &b, &c);if( a==b && b==c)printf("They are equal\n");elseprintf("They are not equal\n");
if b+c/a = c+a/b = a+b/c and a+b+c not equal to 0 then show that each of these ratio is equal to 2
No.Neither are commutative: a - b does not equal b - a, and a/b does not equal b/a.Neither is associative: (a - b) - c does not equal a - (b - c), and (a/b)/c does not equal a/(b/c).Examples of these are:4 - 2 does not equal 2 - 4.1/3 does not equal 3/1.(6 - 5) - 1 does not equal 6 - (5 - 1).(10/2)/2 does not equal 10/(2/2).
suppose x is in B. there are two cases you have to consider. 1. x is in A. 2. x is not in A Case 1: x is in A. x is also in B. then x is in A intersection B. Since A intersection B = A intersection C, then this means x is in A intersection C. this implies that x is in C. Case 2: x is not in A. then x is in B. We know that x is in A union B. Since A union B = A union C, this means that x is in A or x is in C. since x is not in A, it follows that x is in C. We have shown that B is a subset of C. To show that C is subset of B, we do the same as above.
Fractions A/B and C/D are equivalent if the cross-multiples are equal. That is, is A*D = B*CFractions A/B and C/D are equivalent if the cross-multiples are equal. That is, is A*D = B*CFractions A/B and C/D are equivalent if the cross-multiples are equal. That is, is A*D = B*CFractions A/B and C/D are equivalent if the cross-multiples are equal. That is, is A*D = B*C
It's basically the same concept. Like subtraction is the opposite of addition, and division is the opposite of multiplication. Just the reverse. Kind of hard to explain.... ask your teacher!