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Q: The quotient of any number and ------ is undefined?
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What is the quotient of any number divided by 0?

undefined. you cannot divide by 0.

What does A quotient undefined?

A quotient is undefined if the divisor is zero.

What is an undefined quotient?

A quotient in which the numerator or denominator are undefined will be undefined. For example p/q is an undefined quotient until you know something about p and q. Also, if the denominator is zero, the division is undefined.

What happens to the quotient when the dividend and divisor are mutiplied by the same number?

As long as the number is not zero, the quotient remains unchanged. If the multiplier is zero then the quotient is undefined.

What is the quotient of 71 divided by 0?

Undefined: You cannot divide by zero

What is the quotient of 0 divided by 5?

Undefined: You cannot divide by zero

When 0 is divided by a nonzero number is the quotient always 0?

Undefined: You cannot divide by zero

Is any number divided by zero considered 'infinite' or 'undefined'?


0 divided by infinite is equal to what and why?

the answer is UNDEFINED. It's because any number divided to 0 is undefined.

What is zero times undefined?

logically, if any number divided by 0 is undefined, than according to reverse operation, undefined times zero should be any number which would make it undefined. 0/1 x 1/0 = 0/0 which is undefined Also, "undefined" means it's undefined. If one of the factors is not defined, then you can't very well expect the product to be defined; now can you !

What is a number that can be written as a quotient of 2 positive or negative numbers?

Any positive number can be written as a quotient of two positive numbers or a quotient of two negative numbers. Any real number can be written as the quotient of two real numbers.

What -14 divided by 0?

Undefined: You cannot divide by zero