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Q: The rate at which you can complete a task or distance?
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How long would it take two people to do the same thing where x is the first person's rate and z is the second person's rate?

Rate (in this context) is going to be unit over time (i.e., distance over time).Let u = unit, x = rate of first person, z = rate of second person, and t = timex = u / t1u = xt1z = u / t2u = zt2Remember, u is the unit (the task, distance, or whatnot). We solved for u in both equations, so let's set them equal to each other.xt1= zt2t1= (z/x)t2

Rate of doing work?

Rate and efficiency are two different things, but can be related. Rate : How many units per period are being completed For example, a car assembly line might be set at a rate of '5 cars an hour' passing through each station. Workers would have an average of 12 minutes to complete their tasks at each station. Efficiency : Staying busy with a task within its established time requirement. For example, using the previous car assembly line, each worker at the station should need all 12 minutes to complete their task -- to be efficient. If the worker can complete their task in 10 minutes, they're not staying efficient... they're standing around idle for 2 minutes waiting for the next task. Note that if for some reason the worker needs 15 minutes to complete their task, they're still being efficient (constantly working) but they did slow down the 'rate' process, probably affecting the other workers after them.

What was it like working in a group to complete the task?

What is it like working in a group to complete the task

How do you get a task on Movie Star Planet?

you have to complete a task to get another task.

How do you do distance rate and time problems?


How distance (moved) and height relevant to work?

The distance moved is relevant to work as it can impact the effort required to complete a task. The higher the height, the more potential gravitational energy involved, which may require more work to overcome. Overall, both distance and height are factors that contribute to the amount of work needed to accomplish a task.

How do i solve distance rate time promblems?

The formula is Distance=Rate x Time (or distance equals rate multiplied by time). When you take this into account, you can manipulate it to solve for rate or time instead of distance. In other words, you could rewrite it as Rate= Distance/Time (rate equals distance divided by time) and Time= Distance/Rate (time equals distance divided by rate) in case they ask for what the Rate or Time is instead of Distance.

How can outsourcing a simple task save an organization money?

Outsourcing a simple task can save an organization money if the task can be done for a lower pay rate than the organization pays their own employees. This will also free up employees' time to complete more complex tasks.

What is the definition of complete?

To finish a task is to complete it. Complete means all.

How can we calculate the time it takes to travel if we know distance and rate?

You can calculate the time it takes to travel by dividing the distance by the rate. The formula is time = distance / rate. This will give you the time in hours it takes to travel the given distance at the given rate.

How is distance effected when time or rate is decreased or increased?

distance = rate x time the distance is increased or decreased in direct proportion to the rate or time. If the rate doubles the distance doubles in given time; If the time doubles the distance doubles at a given rate.

How do you earn stamps in club penguin?

Roll over each stamp spot to see what task you must complete to earn . Once you complete the task, you will earn the specific task. Waddle On!