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The ration of the carbon dioxide produced to the volume of oxygen consumed

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Q: The respiratory quotient is
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Where did the name r value come from in insulation?

Where does the R value, respiratory quotient or RER come from.

What is RQ?

RQ may stand for a number of things but in science it means respiratory quotient. This is a measure which is used in calculations of basal metabolic rate.

What is Respiratory Quotient value in terms of nutrition?

It is a unitless number used in calculations of basal metabolic rate (BMR) when estimated from carbon dioxide production.

What would be the Respiratory quotient of snakes?

I am running trials right now on the Red-Sided Garter Snake. I just calculated an RQ of .794 for my latest trial.

Is squad training aerobic or anaerobic?

Anaerobic training increases the respiratory quotient (a measure of fat- and sugar-burning) indicating the body is burning less fat

What is the definition for RQ?

RQ is the respiratory quotient. It is the vol of Co2 eliminated / vol of O2 used It varies depending on the fuel:- FAT - 07 CARBOHYDRATE - 1.0 PROTEINS - 0.8

Where is quotient?

a quotient is a dividend answer

How do you pronounce quotient?


In math what does the word quotient mean?

A quotient is the result of a division.Example:Divide 100 by 25. The quotient (the "answer" to this calculation) is 4.

What is the quotient of 2.5?

The quotient is the solution to a division sum. As such, a single number cannot have a quotient.

What is quotient of -132?

A quotient is the answer to a division sum. A single number cannot have a quotient.

What is the quotient of negative numbers being divided?

The quotient will be positive.