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Q: The scientific investigaion of the relationship between two or more variables describes what?
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The scientific investigation of the relationship between two or more variables describes which of these?


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An algebraic equation that describes a relationship between several variables is called a?

.diffrential eqution.!

What is a scientific generalization such as that involving multiple proportions?

A scientific generalization involving multiple proportions is a statement that describes a consistent pattern seen across different situations or variables. It suggests a relationship between multiple factors or variables, indicating how changes in one may affect the others. These generalizations are based on observations or data that show a regularity or trend that extends beyond individual cases.

Does ten and three fourths show direct variation?

No. Direct variation describes a relationship between two variables. It has nothing to do with the value of a single number.

Which element of a lab report is a statement that accurately describes the experiment or problem and includes the independent and dependent variables?

The hypothesis is the element of a lab report that accurately describes the experiment or problem and includes the independent and dependent variables. It provides a testable prediction of the relationship between the variables being studied.

What is the relationship between the variables in an experiment if you double the manipulated variables resulting in a doubling of the responding variables?

it is a direct relationship -eli martin

What are the relations between the different variables?

There are no relations between different variables. If you want to enable a relationship between variables, you must write the code to implement that relationship. Encapsulating the variables within a class is the most obvious way of defining a relationship between variables.

What is the equation that describes the relationship between two variables in an logarithmic plot?

y = a + b*log(x) or y = a + b*ln(x) where a and b are constants.

What are the three variables in a scientific experiment?

There are 2 variables and they are independent and dependant.

What are the types of variables according to functional relationship?

The types of variables according to functional relationship are independent variables and dependent variables. Independent variables are inputs that are manipulated or controlled in an experiment, while dependent variables are the outputs that are affected by changes in the independent variables.