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Q: The set of all single-digit odd counting numbers?
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How many counting numbers less then 30 are composite but nei ther odd or even?

None of them. All counting numbers are either odd or even.

How many counting numbers less than 30 are composite but neither odd nor even?

None. All counting numbers are even or odd.

What is the sum of the first 500 odd counting numbers?

The sum of the first 500 odd counting numbers is 250,000.

Is the odd counting numbers closed for addition?


How many counting numbers less than 30 are either odd or even but not both?

All numbers are either odd or even, none are both, so less than 30 there are 29 counting numbers that are either odd or even but not both. (Assuming you mean starting to count with 1.)

What are the Even and odd numbers to 100?

1, 3, 5, 7, 9 counting by twos to 99 are the odd numbers. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 counting by twos to 100 are the even numbers.

Which kind of number is divisible by 2 - odd numbers - all counting numbers - even numbers - whole numbers?

Only even numbers are divisible by two. If you have an odd number, for example 3, and divide by two, you will get 1 with a remander of 1.

Do all odd numbers have other odd numbers as their factors?

Yes, the factors of all odd numbers are odd numbers.

Which counting numbers are both odd and composite?

Any product of two or more odd numbers that are larger than 1. For example, 33 = 3*11 is odd and composite.

What are the different types of numbers?

irrational numbers odd numbers even numbers whole numbers prime numbers composite numbers counting numbers

How much numbers are odd between 1 to 10000?

4999 (not counting 1).

Four counting numbers that's have an odd sum?

1, 2, 3, and 5