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Q: The shape of a sign gives you a clue about the information contained on the sign?
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1 The shape of a sign gives you a clue about the information contained on the sign A True B False?

A. True

Which cahill once hid a clue in her arm?

Nellie Gomez hid a clue in her arm, specifically in the form of a microchip that contained information needed by the Cahill family in "The 39 Clues" book series.

What is the shape of a face of a pentagonal prism?

I have no clue.

What was the center of Rome that contained buildings temples and shops?

I have no fricken clue, me either xD

What shape has 5 faces and 4 vertices?

i have no clue!

What companies sell car colission reports to consumers and insurance companies?

There is a company who supplies information to insurance companies called CLUE. This company gives insurance companies information on losses paid by all insurance companies and what type and amount of the claim was paid. CLUE also supplies companies with a variety of information. It gives information like people who had auto insurance at the same address as you have and people who were listed on insurance policies of you in the past like other household members or drivers.

In a story which of the following gives a clue about what will happen in the future flash forwardIn a story which of the following gives a clue about what will happen in the future In a story nr?

Flash- forward

Which cahill hid a clue in there arm?

Amy Cahill hid a clue in her arm in "The 39 Clues" series. She had a small microchip implanted under her skin which contained a vital clue to the location of the 39 Clues treasure.

What type of context clue is used to help the reader infer the meaning of a vocabulary word or provide a supporting detail?

The type of context clue that helps the reader infer the meaning of a vocabulary word or provides a supporting detail is typically called a semantic context clue. This type of clue gives information about the meaning of the unfamiliar word by using synonyms or definitions within the text.

Is popgirl for girls?

yes,it gives you a clue in the name..... popGIRL

Where do you get onix in Pokemon Emerald?

the word shop gives you a clue.

Which word gives a clue to the sequence in a process essay?
