a virus
When reducing fractions to their simplest form the greatest common factor of their numerator and denominator must be found.
The five kingdoms of life are Monera, Fungi, Protista, Plantae, and Animalia.
Because people who made up these expressions want to make life easier! ENJOY By writing an expression in its simplest form, it makes it as easy as possible to understand it. For example, if you write out 12(x - y)y2x-2x2(x-3y-2x3)/(4)(x-y) Then you'll have very little luck understanding it. However, if you simplify this expression, you simply get 3
In the simplest case, it is use to find the diagonal length of a unit square.
the simplest form of life known is moneran..
a virus
There are four kingdoms of life, and they consist of plant, animal, fungi, and protista.
Life Belongs to Us was created in 1936.
The duration of Life Belongs to Us is 1.1 hours.
The simplest life form that lacks a nucleus is a prokaryote. Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms that do not have a true nucleus, but instead have a nucleoid region where their genetic material is located. Examples of prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea.
The five kingdoms of life are... 1. Animal 2. Plant 3. Bacteria 4. Fungus/Fungi 5. Protist(s)
What are the 6 Kingdoms of Life?Scientific NameAnimaliaPlantaeProtistaFungiBacteriumArcheaEveryday NameAnimalsPlantsProtistsFungiBacteriaArchea
Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus or other complex organelles. They are the simplest form of true life.
During Linnaeus's time, life was divided into the kingdoms Plantae (plants) and Animalia (animals).