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Q: The size length quantity or rate of something that has been measured?
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Why is the area of a rectangle length times width?

It allows for the whole of the shape to have been acounted for. A square is measured in the same way except that it height and length figure will always be the same i.e 5feet x 5feet.

What is the density if the volume is 125 cm and the mass 20 g?

The density of the material is 20g/125 cubic metres = 0.00000016 grams per cubic centimetre.Volume is measured in cubic units of length and so it has been assumed that "125 cm" refers to 125 cubic metres.The density of the material is 20g/125 cubic metres = 0.00000016 grams per cubic centimetre.Volume is measured in cubic units of length and so it has been assumed that "125 cm" refers to 125 cubic metres.The density of the material is 20g/125 cubic metres = 0.00000016 grams per cubic centimetre.Volume is measured in cubic units of length and so it has been assumed that "125 cm" refers to 125 cubic metres.The density of the material is 20g/125 cubic metres = 0.00000016 grams per cubic centimetre.Volume is measured in cubic units of length and so it has been assumed that "125 cm" refers to 125 cubic metres.

What is the meaning of derived physical quantity?

The derived quantity is a quantity which has been derived from 2 or more base quantities. Example: Velocity is the rate of change of distance and is written in terms of distance divided by time which are two base quantities.

Are 0.33 and 0.330 equal?

Mathematically, yes.In a scientific context, 0.330 has one more significant digit than 0.33, and this difference indicates that 0.330 represents a more precise measurement. The natural assumption, then, is that 0.33 and 0.330 are not the same, although they might be - that is, it's possible that the quantity measured as 0.33 might have been measured as 0.330 if a more precise measurement tool had been used, but it's also possible that the more precise measurement would have yielded a result like 0.331 or 0.329 instead.

How many years have there been since the year 1900 It is measured in the?

hundreds .. *apex*

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Choose the appropriate unit of measure.?

The answer will depend on what quantity is being measured. Since that has not been specified, there can be no sensible answer.

What is quantity bought in economic?

It is something which has been purchased by the consumer.

How did the calculated length of the displacement vector compare with the measured length of th edisplacement vector?

If the calculated length of the displacement vector matches the measured length, it means the calculations were accurate. If they differ, there may have been errors in calculations or measurements. It is important to ensure consistency between calculated and measured values to validate the accuracy of the displacement vector.

What is the quantity of work?

The quantity of work refers to the amount of work that needs to be completed or has been completed within a specific time frame. It can be measured in terms of tasks, projects, hours worked, or output produced. Tracking and managing the quantity of work is essential for productivity and project management.

What is the quantity produced?

The quantity produced refers to the total amount of goods or services that have been manufactured or generated by a company within a specific timeframe, typically measured in units or a monetary value. It is a key metric in evaluating a company's production efficiency and overall performance.

How do you measure elongation of tension specimen?

The elongation of a tension specimen can be measured by marking a gauge length on the specimen before testing it and then comparing the final length of the specimen after it has been stretched to the original gauge length. The elongation can be calculated using the formula: Elongation = ((final length - original length) / original length) x 100%.

Why is the area of a rectangle length times width?

It allows for the whole of the shape to have been acounted for. A square is measured in the same way except that it height and length figure will always be the same i.e 5feet x 5feet.

Is 5 miles a measured or exact number according to chemistry?

In chemistry, 5 miles is considered a measured quantity because it is a distance that has been obtained through measurement. An exact number in chemistry would typically refer to values like atomic masses or the number of atoms in a molecule, which are known precisely.

What is the largest length that broke the world records for an alligator?

just under 15 feet...nothing over 15 feet has ever been reliably measured and recorded.

What is the density if the volume is 125 cm and the mass 20 g?

The density of the material is 20g/125 cubic metres = 0.00000016 grams per cubic centimetre.Volume is measured in cubic units of length and so it has been assumed that "125 cm" refers to 125 cubic metres.The density of the material is 20g/125 cubic metres = 0.00000016 grams per cubic centimetre.Volume is measured in cubic units of length and so it has been assumed that "125 cm" refers to 125 cubic metres.The density of the material is 20g/125 cubic metres = 0.00000016 grams per cubic centimetre.Volume is measured in cubic units of length and so it has been assumed that "125 cm" refers to 125 cubic metres.The density of the material is 20g/125 cubic metres = 0.00000016 grams per cubic centimetre.Volume is measured in cubic units of length and so it has been assumed that "125 cm" refers to 125 cubic metres.

What is the difference between speed and rate?

Speed is the distance traveled per unit of time, typically measured in units like miles per hour or meters per second. Rate, on the other hand, is the quantity or amount of something in relation to another quantity, often expressed as a ratio or percentage. So while speed specifically refers to distance over time, rate is a more general term that can apply to various types of measurements.

If i have the angles 15cm 11cm 7cm6cm5cm what is the missing length in the figure?

The question cannot be answered because:angles cannot be measured in centimetres;the lengths of all but one sides do not uniquely determine a shape.All that can be said, with any certainty, is that the length of the missing side is in the range (0, 44) centimetres.