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Your math problem is:

The sum of 55.00 and 535.00 is how much more than the sum of 215.00 and 60.00?

To arrive at the answer you take the sums of 55.00 and 535.00. So you would have

55.00 + 535.00 = 600.00

Next add up 215.00 and 60.00 to get the next sum.

215.00 + 60.00 = 275.00

The next step is to take 600.00 and subtract the figure of 275.00.

600.00 -275.00 = X You can figure this out without even writing it down. What is 600.00 - 300.00? 300.00 right? So if you are 25.00 different, the answer is 325.00.

See? 600.00

- 275.00



If you used the algebra method it would look like this:

(550.00 + 55.00) - (215.00 + 60.00) = X

600 - 275 = X


You can use these methods on other math problems.

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Q: The sum of 55.00 and 535.00 is how much more than the sum of 215.00 and 60.00?
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