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A square has 4 right angles, one at each corner. A right angle is 90o...

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Q: The sum of interior angles of a square is degrees?
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What is The sum of interior angles of a square?

A square always has a sum of 360 degrees for the interior angles.

What is sum interior of a square?

The sum of the interior angles in a square is 90 degrees per corner times 4 corners. 4x90=360. 360 degrees is the sum of interior angles in a square, or rectangle, for that matter.

Degrees in a square?

The interior angles of a square sum to 360 degrees.

What is the sum of the interior angles of a rhombus?

Well a Rhombus is a quadrilateral like a square or a rectangle, and the sum of the interior angles of all quadrilaterals is 360 degrees. So the sum of the interior angles of a rhombus is 360 degrees.

What is the sum of the angles of a square?

The interior angles of a square or any rectangle add up to 360 degrees.

How many degrees are in the interior angles of a square?

A square has 4 90 degree angles in the inside. The sum of all the inside angles of a square is 360 degrees.

What is the sum of the angles inside a square?

The 4 interior right angles inside a square add up to 360 degrees

What is the sum of the angles inside of a square?

The 4 interior right angles inside a square add up to 360 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angles in a 10 sided shape?

The sum of the interior angles is 8x180 degrees or 1440 degrees. The sum of the exterior angles is always 360 degrees.

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is?

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. This is because one angle of a triangle is 60 degrees.

State the formula for the sum of the interior angles of a regular prisam?

The sum of the interior angles of a regular prism is 4*pi = 12.56637 steradians or 41253 square degrees.

What is the sum of the interior angles of a parallogram?

The sum of the interior angles of a parallelogram is 360 degrees.