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49 is the smaller number : P

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Q: The sum of two consecutives odd numbers is 100 what is the smaller number?
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The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 100 What is the smaller number?

The two numbers can be thought of as: Smaller Odd Number = x + 1 (Add one to ensure it is an odd number) Larger Consecutive Odd Number = Smaller Number + 2 = x + 1 + 2 = x + 3 We know that Smaller Odd Number + Larger Consecutive Odd Number = 100 (X + 1) + (x + 3) = 100 2x + 4 = 100 2x = 96 x = 48 Smaller Odd Number = 48 + 1 = 49 The smaller odd number is 49. The next consecutive odd number of course is 51.

Why the product of two 2-digit numbers must be at least 100?


What the number of whole numbers between the smallest whole number and the greatest 2digit number is?

There is no smallest whole number - negative numbers go on forever. Therefore, there are infinitely many whole numbers that are smaller than the greatest 2-digit number.

Find 3 consecutive numbers where the product of the smaller two numbers is 28 less the the square of the largest number?

The three numbers are 8, 9 and 10. 8 x 9 = 72 102 = 100 100 - 72 = 28

Why are there more prime numbers from 1-20 than from 81-100?

Because 1-20 is smaller than 81-100. The bigger the number, the harder it is to be prime.

How do you get prime numbers which are less than 100?

You look for a table of prime numbers. Or you try out each integer from 2-100, to see which ones don't have smaller factors. For numbers less to 100, it is enough to check whether each number is divisible by 2, 3, 5 and 7.

What 3 consecutive numbers where the product of the smaller two numbers is 28 less than the square of the largest number?

Your answer is 8, 9, & 10 8 * 9 = 72 10 * 10 = 100 100 - 72 = 28

How many numbers that are divisible by 6 out of 100?

There are 16 positive numbers smaller than 100 that are directly divisible by 6.

How many prime numbers are there less in 100?

There are 25 primes smaller than 100.

Number of prime numbers from1 to 100?

Number of Prime Numbers from 1 to 100 is 25. From 1 to 50 it was 15 From 50 to 100 it was 10

What are numbers VI in regular numbers?

6: In Roman numerals, I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, and M=1000. When a smaller number is after of a larger number, you add the two together. (If it's a smaller number before a larger, you subtract.) Therefore, VI=1+5=6.

How many numbers are from 1 though 100?

From 1 to 100 there are 100 integers, but an infinite number of real numbers.