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Q: The taller you are the bigger feet you will have?
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Why do men have bigger feet?

My mother always used to say the taller the clock the bigger the base.

Which is bigger 16 feet tall or 6 inches tall?

16 feet taller is bigger than 6 inches tall.

Is 5 feet bigger than 2 feet?

Yes. 5 feet is 3 feet longer or taller than 2 feet.

Do taller people have bigger and feet than smaller people?

99/100 times yes

Why do guys have bigger feet then girls?

it is quite simple as boys eat more and are usually taller now let me explain: As boys eat more they put on weight but as they are quite sporty and have the muscles, the body does not want extra fat so it sends it down which then develops the feet. Also the taller the boy the bigger the feet!

Is a dwarf hamster bigger than a mouse?

No in fact they are the same size of mouses some may be a few feet taller

Is it true the bigger your feet are the taller your going to get?

Actualy no sometimes it could be some thing that bit your foot and it became big

Why are boy's feet bigger than girl's feet?

Foot size is closely related to height to achieve proper balance of the human body. A woman is typically smaller height wise, so the man being taller usually have bigger feet. The same in young boys and girls.

Do taller sunflowers have bigger seeds?


Does yoga make your head bigger aswell making you taller?

It may make yu taller but yur head well not get bigger

How tall is bowser bout 15 feet?

10 feet tall, which is 4 feet taller than Mario.

Is emley moor mast bigger than the Eiffel tower?

Yes and no; Eiffel Tower 1056 feet, Emley Moor 1084. So it's taller, but not bigger because not as wide. Correction: emly moor is a place where Emly Mast is. Its not Emly moor that is 1084 feet. Thank you, Sandaaaaa. I do love a pedant. However, It's Emley Moor, not emly. The moor, by the way, rises to 850 feet above sea level, which is indeed not taller than the Eiffel Tower, but a lot bigger!