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um, 17 degrees C

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Q: The temperature was 20 degrees Celsius it dropped to 3 degrees to what?
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If the temperature is currently 20 degrees Celsius and it decreases by 30 degrees what will the temperature be in Celsius?

If the temperature decreases by 30 degrees Celsius from 20 degrees Celsius, the new temperature will be -10 degrees Celsius.

What is the celsius for -20 degrees?

The temperature in Celsius for -20 degrees is -28.9 degrees Celsius.

Is a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, as 20 degrees Celsius is about normal room temperature. Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32

Is there a temperature at which the Fahrenheit reading is 20 degrees higher than the celsius?

Yes, a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit is 20 degrees higher than the equivalent temperature in Celsius, which is 20 degrees Celsius.

What is 20 degree Celsius?

20 degrees Celsius is a unit of measurement for temperature. It is equivalent to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

What does Tc 20 degrees celsius stand for?

"TC" likely stands for "temperature in degrees Celsius." Therefore, "TC 20 degrees Celsius" means that the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius.

What does 20 Celsius mean?

20 degrees Celsius is a temperature or a temperature range on the Celsius scale, where 0 is the freezing point of water and 100 is the boiling point of water. If the air temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, the weather is cool but not cold. If a pot of water is raised in temperature by 20 degrees Celsius it is heated by a set amount. 20 degrees Celsius is the same as 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

A temperature of 20 degrees celsius is equal to what degrees k?

20 degrees Celsius = 293.15 kelvins

Which one is colder 20 degrees Celsius or 30 degrees Celsius?

20 degrees Celsius is colder than 30 degrees Celsius. Temperature decreases as the numerical value decreases, so the lower the number, the colder the temperature.

What temperature Celsius is 68 degrees farheheight?

68 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately 20 degrees Celsius.

What is the Fahrenheit equivalent of -20 degrees Celsius?

-20 degrees Celsius is equivalent to -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What materials or objects are 20 degrees celsius?

Room temperature water, a cool room, or a slightly warm cup of coffee can be around 20 degrees Celsius.