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Q: The territories of different sizes were called?
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I is called a lunar phase

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Its called SIMALUR * * * * * SIMILAR

What are two figures with same shape but different sizes called?

no they are similar

What is it called when 2 figures are the same shape but different sizes?


What is segmantation?

Divide the memory block into different sizes is called segmentation.

What did Canada into two provinces?

if you mean when did Canada have 2 different territories before it became a country, it was called Upper and Lower Canada, which then later split into different territories which were called "provinces", this you can read up on in your local library.

What Land with different territories and people under a single rule is called aan city-state true or false?

False. A land with different territories and people under a single rule is called an empire, not a city-state. City-states are independent sovereign cities and their surrounding territories.

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Churches come in different sizes. Small churches are called chapels.

What are two figures who have the same shape but different sizes called?

Similar figures.

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Such rocks are porphyritic.

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why are raindrops different sizes?

Land with different territories and peoples under a single rule?

Land with different territories and people under a single rule is a monarchy. In a monarchy there is a king or queen in power. There might or might not be many territories.