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Q: The two thin leaflets circle make up what valve?
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How do you drawing a globe?

First draw a round circle. then draw around the circle a line that looks like a bracelet. Next at the bottom of the circle draw a line down. Then underneath that line Make like a thin oval. Last but be sure to do it make line on the circle so it looks like continents.

The inside of a membrance bilayer is?

The lipid bilayer is a thin polar membrane made of two layers of lipid molecules.The compositions of the inner and outer membrane leaflets are different.

What is a long leaf with an edge divided into many thin parts?

A long leaf with an edge divided into many thin parts is typically a frond or a fern. Ferns have fronds that are made up of smaller leaflets, giving them a feathery appearance.

What is a thin circle of metal?

y dont u tell me the freakin answer!

How do you pronounce circle in spanish?

circle = circulo (accent on the 'i') (Pronounced THEERcoolaw (Spain) ('TH' as in 'thin'; 'SEERcoolaw' in Latin America)

What is a knife gate valve?

It is a type of shutoff valve with a thin valve disc which is opened or closed by sliding the disc in/out with a sliding handle, perpendicular to the fluid (or powder/grain) flow.

What is a wafer knife gate valve?

It is a type of shutoff valve with a thin valve disc which is opened or closed by sliding the disc in/out with a sliding handle, perpendicular to the fluid (or powder/grain) flow.

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Any gas or group of gases can make a thin atmosphere.

How can I make chocolate thin?

To make chocolate thin, you can melt it and then spread it out thinly on a flat surface. This will allow the chocolate to cool and harden into a thin layer.

What can cause your mirage to burn oil?

high miles, thin oil, bad valve guides, worn piston rings, leaky head gasket, and/ or a leaky PCV valve.

How do you make alex russo's wand wizards of Waverly place?

get some card board roll it up so its thin a nuther then paint it red and then find a ball and paint it blue then push it in to the hole then n the uther end cut a circle the size of the bottom circle thstick the circle in and paint it red and then your done and the try and it at and see if your a wizard.

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Tissue make the thin cucumber slice flexible