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Q: The vertical axis measures what quantity?
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The vertical axis measures signal strength. Normally in volts.

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A yawmeter is an instrument which measures the yaw of an aircraft, its degree of rotation about its vertical axis.

What quantity is represented on the x- axis?

The horizontal coordinates are plotted on the x axis whereas the vertical coordinates are plotted on the y axis in the form of (x, y)

What quantity is plotted vertically?

The vertical axis on a graph typically represents the dependent variable or the response variable. It shows the quantity being measured or observed in relation to the independent variable on the horizontal axis.

What are the different types of demand in economics?

what is demand curve is a graphic representation of the relationship between product price and the quantity of the product demanded. It is drawn with price on the vertical axis of the graph and quantity demanded on the horizontal axis

In a graph of price vertical axis verses quantity horizontal demand is downward sloping because?

market demand

Is the X axis on the horizontal or vertical axis?

The x axis is the horizontal axis. The y axis is the vertical axis.

Is a vertical like on the Y axis or the X axis?

The vertical axis is the y-axis. The horizontal axis is the x-axis.

Is the y-axis vertical or horizontal?

The y axis is vertical and the x axis is horizontal.

Which axis is the X and Y on?

The y-axis is vertical and the x-axis is horizontal.

What is the definition of vertical axis?

The vertical axis is a reference axis usually denoted as y-axis in Cartesian co-ordinate system. It can be said that a vertical axis is the axis perpendicular to a reference horizontal surface.

What is the horizontal axis and vertical axis on a graph called?

horizontal:x vertical: y