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Q: The wedges in circular graphs show how?
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What do the wedges in circular graphs mean?

If you're talking about a pie chart, each wedge in the circle is demonstrating a percentage. The largest wedge would be the largest percentage, the smallest would be the smallest percentage.

What do double line graphs do?

They show a comparison between the two graphs. They can show the intersection of the two graphs.

How are circle graphs line graphs and bar graphs different?

a circle graph is in a circular form and represents your data using pieces inside of itbar graphs represents data using bars

Which type of graphs show patterns and make comparison about groups?

All graphs show patterns. Bar charts are one way to show comparisons between groups.

What are several types of graphs?

Several types of graphs include bar graphs, which represent data using rectangular bars of varying lengths; line graphs, which show trends and changes over time using lines connecting data points; pie charts, which display data as a circular graph divided into slices to represent proportions; and scatter plots, which show the relationship between two variables by plotting points on a graph. Each type of graph is used to visually represent different types of data and relationships.

Why do you need graphs why are graphs important?

Well we use graphs to show parts compared to the whole. Graphs are important because they can show us percents, they can show us how much of something or whatever you may be talking about. For example, graphs are used to show the percent of people voting for which candidate in this years election.

How are line bar and pie graphs the same?

They both show a set of data. Line graphs show data over time. Pie graphs show percentages in data.

Do picture graphs and bar graphs show you patterns?


On a pie chart the different sections or wedges show?

on a pie chart, the different sections or "wedges" show:

Do picture graphs and bar graphs show you patterns overtime?


Why do bar graphs have to start at zero but line graphs do not?

line graphs show a change over time

What relationship betweenmass and acceleration does the graphs represent?

Show me the graphs and I'll get right on it for you.