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Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can determine the actual velocity in the xy plane to be (the square root of 41) m/s along the vector [5,4].

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Q: The x and y component of a billiard balls velocity are 5 m s and 4 m s respectively What is the actual velocity of the billiard ball?
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What is the typical hra percentage?

Lets assume you have HRA as a salary component. So the next step is to calculate the taxation aspect of the HRA Component. In order to do this, you need the following: 1. Your Basic Salary 2. The Actual HRA Component in your Salary 3. The Actual Rental paid every month 4. Whether you live in a Metro or a non-metro Once you have these details, try to calculate the following numbers: 1. If you are in a Metro - take 50% of your Basic salary and if not, take 40% of your Basic Salary 2. The Actual monthly HRA component from your salary 3. The Actual Rent paid - 10% of your Basic Salary Of these 3 figures whichever is the least is your eligible tax deduction against HRA.

What is the source code to calculate the mean square error in matlab?

Here is an example of MATLAB code to calculate the mean square error (MSE): function mse = calculateMSE(actual, predicted) diff = actual - predicted; squared_diff = diff.^2; mse = mean(squared_diff); end In this code, the actual and predicted inputs represent the actual and predicted values, respectively. The function calculateMSE subtracts the predicted values from the actual values, squares the differences, takes the average of the squared differences, and returns the MSE.

How to solve vf vi plus at equation steps?

vf=vi+at equation can be solved by substituting the letters in the equation with there actual values where vf is the finall velocity, vi is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration and t is the time.

What is the definition of speed?

Speed is distance traveled through motion per some unit of time. It can also be defined as the rate of change in position along a single path. Speed is a scalar value, not a directional one.It is similar to the definition of "velocity", except that in "velocity", the direction is also important. If the velocity is constant, you can simply divide distance traveled by time. The general case, however, is that velocity is the derivative of position, with respect to time. In symbols: v = ds/dt. If you are not familiar with derivatives, this basically means that to get the instant velocity, you divide the distance traveled by the time it takes, for a very short time period.Speed is the Distance covered per unit time. where as velocity is the Displacement per unit time. Distance is the actual length covered by the Object between two endpoints & Displacement is the length in the straight line between two points.

Is average velocity a scalar or vector?

It is a vector. It is the directed straight line distance, or displacement, between two points on the path of movement (even though the actual path may be curved) divided by the actual time taken to move from one point to the other. The reason that it is a vector is that the direction traveled is important: it is possible that part of the motion was in the opposite direction from other parts.

Related questions

How do you find actual velocity?

To find the actual velocity of an object, you need to know both the magnitude and direction of its velocity. This can be determined using various methods depending on the situation. For example, in linear motion, you can calculate velocity by dividing the change in position by the change in time. In rotational motion, velocity can be found by dividing the change in angular position by the change in time.

What is the importance of uniform acceleration graph in physics what is instantaneous velocity?

Uniform acceleration graphs help visualize how an object's velocity changes over time. They show a constant rate of change in velocity, which can be used to calculate properties like displacement and time. Instantaneous velocity is the velocity of an object at a specific moment in time, representing the object's speed and direction at a given instant.

How do you find the actual wattage of an electrial component?

To find the actual wattage of an electrical component, you can calculate it by multiplying the voltage across the component by the current flowing through it, using the formula Watts = Volts * Amps. Alternatively, you can refer to the product specifications provided by the manufacturer, which usually list the wattage of the component.

How can you find the actual wattage for each component?

In a PCB its very hard to find out. the best way is to look at a component catalogue and check there.

How do you build a bass speaker?

Purchase a subwoofer speaker (also known as a component subwoofer). The component subwoofer is the actual speaker you'll be mounting into the enclosure you build. is an excellent resource for reviewing and purchasing component subwoofers

What is the superficial velocity?

Superficial velocity is nothing but the velocity of a fluid in a pipe,conduit,column etc in the absense of packing or obstruction. like in packed columns the actual velocity of the fluid through it is actually the volumetric flow rate divided by the cross sectional area. so the velocity achieved by the same fluid in the same column in absence of the packing is called superficial velocity.

If a motorboat travels 25 km hr down a river whose velocity is 4 km hr what is the boats actual velocity?

21 km/h in the rivers frame of reference.

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The approximate velocity of sound in air at room temperature is about 343 meters per second (1235 kilometers per hour). The actual velocity may vary based on factors like temperature, humidity, and air pressure.

Which X Windows system component system is used to draw the actual graphical images on your screen?

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How do you shoot acuratly with a Nerf gun?

Like you do with actual projectiles - you account for the weight of the dart, its velocity and if there's wind.

If an object has zero acceleration what two things could be true about its velocity?

The velocity does not change direction or magnitude. The object 1) may not be moving, or it 2) may be moving at a constant velocity. In the case of the latter, that means it's moving in the same direction and at a constant speed.

How much HRA benefit can be claimed?

Lets assume you have HRA as a salary component. So the next step is to calculate the taxation aspect of the HRA Component. In order to do this, you need the following: 1. Your Basic Salary 2. The Actual HRA Component in your Salary 3. The Actual Rental paid every month 4. Whether you live in a Metro or a non-metro Once you have these details, try to calculate the following numbers: 1. If you are in a Metro - take 50% of your Basic salary and if not, take 40% of your Basic Salary 2. The Actual monthly HRA component from your salary 3. The Actual Rent paid - 10% of your Basic Salary Of these 3 figures whichever is the least is your eligible tax deduction against HRA.