12 7/8 - 3 6/7
convert 12 7/8 to 103/8
convert 3 6/7 to 27/7
find lowest common denominator = 56
7(103) minus 8 ( 27) all divided by 56
(721 - 216) / 56 = 505/56 = 9.018
Four minus two and three-eighths equals one and five-eighths.
a - 5 is 6. So a is 11
Ten minus nine eights equals eight and seven eighths.
2 and four sevenths 5 & 2/7 minus 2 & 5/7 equals 2 & 4/7
Five sevenths
Four minus two and three-eighths equals one and five-eighths.
a - 5 is 6. So a is 11
two forty-fifths or one twenty-eighth
Ten minus nine eights equals eight and seven eighths.
2 six eighths
23 and a half minus seven and five eighths equals 15.875
2 and four sevenths 5 & 2/7 minus 2 & 5/7 equals 2 & 4/7
y=mx+b y = 3/7x + 6/7 y equals three sevenths x plus six sevenths
Five sevenths
negative ten sevenths