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Q: There are 10 marbles and 5 purple marbles in a bag what are the odds in favor of it being yellow?
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A marble is selected from a random jar containing 3 red marbles 4 yellow marbles and 2 marbles what are the odds in favor of selecting a red marble?

The probability of selecting a red marble is 3/9

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The probability of drawing a white marble is .46

A bag contains five green marbles and four red marbles what is the odds of in favor picking a green marble on the first selection?

There is a one in 2 chance of getting a green marble.

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I think it's purple from what I heard xx

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What is an example for bias?

Like being in favor of someone or something

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no, the federalist were in favor of the constitution being ratified, that's why they are called the ANTI- federalists. they did not want it to be ratified

Where do you find strong yellow thread in your Tinkerbell ds game?

Go to dewberry grow a yellow seed go to Mariana ask for a favor ask to manage threads ask to dye threads ask to dye strong threads yellow and you got yourself a strong yellow thread

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it whipped up American public opinion in favor of the rebels :)

What is the prefix meaning of in favor of the Government?

The prefix "pro-" means in favor of or supportive of something. So in this case, the prefix "pro-" would indicate being in favor of the government.

What is the argument in favor of IT being just another utility?

The argument in favor of IT being just another utility is the technological advancements that we see day in day out. Most IT based solutions have been developed to solve world problems.

What is the meaning of pro-people?

"Pro" means for or in favor of. "People" refers to you and the rest of the human race. Now we have: Pro-people "being in favor of human beings".