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17/30 ( this is in its sinplest form)

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Q: There are 17 girls in a class of 30 studentswhat fraction of the class is made up of girls?
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In a school a fourth of a class are boys. What fraction are girls?

A fourth of the class are boys, which can be expressed as a fraction as 1/4. Since the class is made up of only boys and girls, and a fourth of the class are boys, the remaining part of the class must be girls. To find the fraction of the class that are girls, you can subtract 1/4 from 1. 1 - 1/4 = 3/4 So, 3/4 of the class are girls.

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Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, this is equal to 471/1000 of the school as girls.

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Dr. Naismith originally made it for his PE class maybe all boy or mixed gender.

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Sara's induction in art class, made all the boys and girls happy(:

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A class is made up of6 boys and 10girls Half of the girls wear glasses A student is selected at random from the class What is the probability that the student is a girl with glasses?

5/16 6 Boys 10 Girls Half the girls wear glasses. Half of 10 is 5. 5 Girls wear glasses. Probability=outcome wanted/total 5 girls wear glasses/16 kids in class or 5/16 Message me with any questions.

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In the 1800s young girls wore a fancy dress ( if in the upperclass) made of linen, a petticoat, stockings, shoes made of leather and a bodice ( or stay).

How do you convert percent to a ratio?

Ratios are good for comparing two quantities. Like in a classroom, the ratio of girls to boys, for example. Say the class has 40 students, and 22 of them are girls, so this is 22/40 = 55% of the class. But the ratio is comparing the girls to the boys, not the entire class. So if there are 55% girls, then 100% - 55% = 45% boys. Now the ratio can be made of 55 : 45 girl to boy ratio. This can be simplified to a 11:9 ratio.

What is the number that can't be made into a fraction?

The numbers which cannot be made into a fraction are the irrational numbers.

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the hottest job is having sex with really hot girls for money

What is a fraction that is made up of a number followed by a fraction?

A mixed number (or fraction).

What was the first fraction made?

The first fraction made was 1/2, since when God made Eve from Adam, He made his other "half."