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Q: There are 19 students in a class 14 of the students are hearing impairedwhat fraction of the students are hearing impaired?
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What does hearing impaired mean?

hearing impaired means a special program to help with people with hearing problems============================Answer #2:"Hearing impaired" does not mean the program. It's the preferred description of the condition."Impaired" means weak, diminished, damaged, deficient, functioning poorly or inadequately."Hearing impaired" is the phrase that describes a person with hearing problems.The programs designed to help people who have hearing problems are called"programs for the hearing impaired".

What is a sentence using hearing impaired?

It is important to use clear speech when communicating with someone who is hearing impaired.

What has the author P Colleen Hiron written?

P. Colleen Hiron has written: 'Post-secondary educational opportunities for deaf/hearing impaired students in Canada' -- subject(s): Services for, Education (Higher), Deaf, Hearing impaired

What has the author Ellen V Plotkin written?

Ellen V Plotkin has written: 'A guide to mainstreamed college programs for hearing impaired students' -- subject(s): Hearing impaired, Counseling in higher education, Mainstreaming in education, Services for

What has the author Olawale Akanbi Moronkola written?

Olawale Akanbi Moronkola has written: 'A comparison of health knowledge of hearing-impaired and hearing secondary school students'

Who is the Hearing impaired classical music maestro?

Who is the Hearing impaired classical music maestro

How does deafness affect a person?

They have difficulty hearing. The deaf or hearing impaired are not particularly physically or otherwise impaired beyond issues with hearing.

What has the author Martin Windell written?

Martin Windell has written: 'The incidence and nature of emotional and behavioural difficulties in hearing-impaired students'

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