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Q: There are 24 counters how many counters could you add without having to regroup and why?
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12 counters are arranged in 4 dishes how could you rearrange the shaded or white counters to clearly show two equivalent fractions?

move one unshaded counter to the 3rd dish that only has two circles in it. You have 12 total counters ..9 are shaded 3 are not. fractions would be 9/12 and 3/4 (9 counters are shaded out of 12 total counters) and (3 dishes out of 4 are shaded)

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Your body could either have a hormone imbalance, your body could be having an urge for sexual attention without your mind's knowledge or you could be having a fungal infection. Get checked to be sure.

What is a chaos counter in yu gi oh?

Counters are markers placed on a card, different cards place different types of counters. Counters themselves have no effect unless given one by a card, and that card tells you what it does. Spell Counters are the most common type, and what they 'do' depends on what they are on. Because there are many cards that can place counters, they all have different names, so they don't get mixed up with each other.The card Chaos Zone places counters on itself, and these are called Chaos Counters. The only thing they 'do' is that they can be used for Chaos Zone's other effects. Other cards could potentially place different kinds of counter on Chaos Zone. Magic Reflector places a counter on it - this could not be used for Chaos Zone's effects as it is not a Chaos Counter, which are only placed on Chaos Zone by itself.

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depending on the state you live in you COULD get insurance without owning a CAR. Ask your insurance professional about it.

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You could use sperm donor, that way you could choose the father and have the sperm artificially inceminated into you, that way you can fall pregnant without having to conceive naturally.

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they could have lived perfectly without having to move.

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48, if you don't count Alaska

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So you could have portable music without having to buy cd's or tapes.

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so you could amplify the signal without having to change the power source.