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Q: There are 28 men and 12 women what is the ratio of men to total number in simplest form?
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What is the ratio of men and women in the university of Oregon?

The ratio of men and women in the university of Oregon can be find out by :Number of men in the University of oregon.number of women in the university of oregon.Then , dividing the number of men : number of women.

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The ratio of women to men is 8:19. The quotient of women to men is 8/19. The percentage of women in the class is 30.8%.

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Women made up 42.2% of the total enrollment at Purdue University in Fall 2011.

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How do y ou find the ratio of 3 men to 4 women there are 222 men how many workers are there?

The ratio 3 to 4 can be writtem 3/4 or .75. Divide the total of men by the ratio to find how many women there are, then add the two numbers to find the total of workers: 222 /.75 = 296 women. 222 + 296 = 518 workers.

How do you find ratios?

you have to have half a whole number and then you divideyou take the number that is gone or that is still there in put it over the total find the ration you divide the diameter by half.

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what is the ratio of women to men in California?

What is the ratio of working women in the world?

The answer depends on what the number of working women is being compared to:working women to working men?working women to non-working women?Also, by "working women" do you mean only paid work?

What is youth dependency ratio?

The youth dependency ratio is a demographic indicator that compares the number of children and young people in a population to the working-age population. It is calculated by dividing the number of people aged 0-14 or 0-19 by the number of people aged 15-64, then multiplying by 100. A higher ratio indicates a larger proportion of dependents relative to the working-age population.

The average number of children women have in their lifetime is called the what?

The average number of children women have in their lifetime is called the total fertility rate (TFR).

What is the ratio of men in prison?

The answer depends on whether you want the ratio of men in prison compared to:men not in prison,all men,women in prison,the total prison population,the total population (in or out of prison).Since you have not specified what you require, it is not possible to give a more useful answer.

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