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Q: There are 3 cars 4 bicycles 2 tricycles and 1 unicycle in the neighbors garageHow many wheels r in all?
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Related questions

Who invited the bike?

probably a bunch of unicycles or tricycles. a unicycle plus negative tricycle = bike. Thus, 1 unicycle and one negative tricycle invited the bike into our dimension and the planet earth

How many bicycles have one wheel?

all of them do lol None: Then it would be a unicycle The term BIcycle comes from BI (2) and uni(1)

Is it legal to ride a unicycle without a helmet?

depends on where you live, where you ride, and what the law says about an unicycle. If you're on private property you can ride anything and any way. Where I'm at unis are legally seen as toys, and not as bicycles, which means that bicycle helmet laws don't apply.

How do you make a unicycle out of a dismantled bike?

With great difficulty. Most unicycles are direct drive, while bicycles are chain driven and has an one-way clutch which allows you to coast. There's no realistic way of turn a modern bike into an unicycle w/o a fully equipped metal working shop and loads of time on your hands.

What is faster bike or unicycle?

A bicycle. Unicycles as a rule are direct drive, meaning one turn of the pedals cause one turn of the rear wheel. Bicycles can have a ratio of anything between 3-5wheel rotations to each crank rotation. You'd have to be able to spin wickedly fast to be able to keep up with a regular bicycle on an unicycle.

A story about a unicycle?

The unicycle became infertile

What sports begin with a 'u'?

unicycle riding ultralight aviation unicycle basketball unicycle hockey

How many wheels did the penny farthing have?

there are 1 wheel on an unicycle just remember they use one in a circus and its tall.There is 1 wheel on an unicycle. Uni means 1.A unicycle has one wheel.One. That's why it's called a unicicle: It has one (uni) wheel (cycle).A unicycle is a one wheeled vehicle that is human powered. It uses a standard bicycle tire but other tires can be used depending on the terrain.1 unless they are stacked upright to make a giraffe if youv ever been to the curcus youll understand

What is a sentence for unicycle?

the clown rode the unicycle down the street

What does 1-W on a U mean?

1 wheel on a unicycle

How do you say unicycle in Japanese?

Ichirinsha [一輪車] is unicycle.

How do you use unicycle in a sentence?

She was able to ride the unicycle very well.