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Q: There are 4 boys and 3 girls What is the probability the boys and girls sit alternately?
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In lessons Why do teachers sit girls next to boys?

teachers sit boys next to girls because it's a fact that girls work better when next to boys and boys work better next to girls

How many ways to sit sit 3 boys and 2 girls?

6 ways

Why boys are better than boys in education?

boys get distracted more than girls and boys can be a bit annoying and not be able to sit down for a long time

In lessons why do the teachers sit girls next to boys?

so they don't sit with their best friends and talk all class

Why do girls sit to go potty?

Their parts are different so can't am like boys

Why do girls sit and boys stand?

Girls typically sit while using the restroom due to anatomical differences and the design of the toilet. Boys often stand due to the ease and convenience of doing so. It's more about practicality and personal preference than gender norms.

In how many ways six boys and four girls can be arranged in one rope so that no two girls can sit together?


What is the possible reason for girls superior in academic performance?

This is because they are much intelligent to boys and work very hard for their exams....simple

Can Muslim girls sit by boys?

Yes, Muslim girls can be friends with Muslim or non Muslim boys but on condition that they do not practice any sexual relationships what so ever (oral sex or intercourse sex) without licit marriage per Islam teachings.

Why do most of the boys feel good to sit near girls during male puberty stage?

Because their hormones are making them aroused by females

What invitation did girls extend to ponyboy and johnny?

They asked the boys to sit with them, to keep them company during the movie after they walked away from their drunk boyfriends.

Can girls pee like boys?

if they make a big pipe and shove it in their spots >:)