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66/80=0.825 =82.5%

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Q: There are 80 questions on a test you got 14 wrong What is the test score?
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80 questions on a test I got 14 questions wrong. What's the test score?

80-14=6666/80=0.825 =82.5%

What is your grade if you got 12 out of 47 questions wrong?

Your score on a test is based on the number of questions answered correctly, so the score is 35/47 = about 75%. The letter grade for that score is completely the teacher's decision.

What is your score on a test if you get 8 out of 73 wrong?

To figure out your score on a test, you just have to divide the number of answers you got right by the number of total questions there were. In this case, 65 divided by 73= .89 or 89%.

What is your score if you got 8 wrong out of 25 questions?

68% D+

You got 6 questions wrong out of 20 what is your score?

you would get a 70

What is your score if you got 6 wrong out of 15 questions?

60% D

If your test was 10 questions and you got 8 right What is your score?


You got 90 on a test that has exactly 40 questions how many questions did you get wrong?

A test score of "90" represents the percentage of correct questions. Multiply this percentage by the total number of questions and you will have the number of questions correctly answered. Subtract this from the total to find answers wrong. 90% of 40 questions = .90 x 40 = 36 questions right. 40-36 = 4 answers wrong.

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73 questions How many questions did you miss to get 79 percent?

73 questions on the test, all worth the same credit. Score 79% means you got -- 58 correct (79.452%) -- 15 wrong (20.548%)

If I got two questions wrong on the Chinese SAT II i believe it's out of 85 questions what score would I get eventually out of 800?

I'm not exactly sure but I know that I got at least 2 questions wrong on the Chinese SAT II and I still got an 800. I suppose it all depends on what questions you got wrong.