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Q: There are total 15 people7 speak french and 8 speak spanish 3 do not speak any language The fraction of people speaking both languages would be?
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What is self-control?

Salient features of Self-control:1. Self-control is a mechanism using which it controls itself.2. The aim of Self-control is to maintain status quo.3. It is physiological control and not man made.4. It is bidirectional control. It can facilitate or retard a thought or action.5. It continues to function even in presence of a change.6. We need Semi voluntary force to have Self-control5. It occurs in our mind6. It is a unique feature of natural people and not found in modern or religious people7. It is not compatible with modern languages.Self-control should not be confused with self-discipline, which is man made unidirectional control. It is used by modern and religious people.The Mind:Self-control occurs in our mind. Therefore, we must know what mind is.All the skeletal muscles of the body isometrically (harden and soften) as a single unit called Unified Skeletal Muscle or USM, popularly known as mind.The seven states of mind:The mind has seven states.They are,1. Dreaming mind2. Illusory mind3. Voluntary mind4. Semi voluntary/ Default mind5. Involuntary mind6. Status altering mind7. Compulsive mindSelf-control occurs in the Semi voluntary mind only. Therefore, to understand Self-control we must know what Semi voluntary force associated with this mind.The Semi voluntary force:In this there is a layer of voluntary force at the level of the navel trapped between two layers of Semi voluntary force. The semi voluntary force extend from head and also from the feet towards our navel. At the top of the head is our negative attitude and at the sole of our feet is our positive attitude.Mechanism of Self-control:Self-control produces a sinusoidal wave. The graph is produced by changes in the tone of the USM.Control at the positive attitude:If we neglect a biological need it induces displeasure, leading to fall in the tone of our USM, thus lowering our 'I' from the navel. If the fall in tone is just enough to support the body our 'I' would have reached the positive attitude at the sole of our feet. Then our effort to get and have the biological need induces pleasure, thus gradually increasing the tone of our USM. This reversal is due to positive feedback from rest of the activities of our life. This takes our 'I' to the top of our head.Control at the negative attitude:With 'I' at the top of our head our pleasure becomes maximum and the negative attitude reverses the emotion produced to displeasure. This reversal is due to retardation of our effort to have the biological need by rest of the activities of our life.Movement of 'I' between the positive and negative attitudes:We note that due to Self-control our 'I' moves within our USM or mind in the form of a sinusoidal wave but never beyond them.Any further attempts to have the biological need produces fear and anger in the same sinusoidal way.Thus, Self-control is the mechanism that forces us to pay equal attention to all of our biological needs.

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To live on Mars, you would need a habitat that provides protection from the harsh environment, such as extreme temperatures, radiation, and low atmospheric pressure. Access to water, food, and oxygen supply systems would be essential, along with reliable communication and power sources. Additionally, equipment for conducting scientific research, spacesuits for venturing outside, and psychological support for the isolation and distance from Earth would also be necessary.

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Kasi tribe of pashtun?

Kasi tribe is known as the most educated and well disciplined tribe of pashtuns, if you go further deep into their history then its about 13000 years old, Kasi's mostly known to be in Pakistan's city Quetta can be found in Iran,Palestine,Iraq and Afghanistan too.Contents1 The Pashtun Family Tree2 Sub-Tribes (Kasi Bin Kharashboon Bin Sarhban Bin Qais Abdul Rashid)3 Books References4 Sources5 Arif Kasi6 Famous People7 Culture8 Artist & Art9 About Quetta10 Pashtun11 Feedback// The Pashtun Family TreeIn the early seventeenth century, a Pashtun from North India called Khwaja Ni'mat Allah described the tribal structure and origin of Pashtun Society in this work, the Makbzan-I Afghani. Although it undoubtedly contains information on the ethnogenesis of the Pashtuns, this genealogy should not be read as a sound historical source that indicates how the Pashtuns came into being as a distinct ethnic group. Instead, it should be used as a source of information, from the seventeenth century or earlier, for the way in which the Pashtuns saw themselves as a group.Ni'mat Allah differentiates between four main groups of Pashtuns. These are the descendants of the three sons of the putative ancestor of al Pashtuns, Qays Abdul Al-Rashid Pathan, plus another, fourth group. The putative ancestor himself descended, according to traditional genealogies, from King Sarul (Saul), the Jewish king. The allegedly Jewish ancestry of the Pashtuns was a subject always hotly debated in Pashtun tea houses!The three sons of Qays Abdul Al-Rashid pathan were named Sarban, Bitan and Ghurghusht (although there are many variants of these names). Most important of these, at least in the eyes of Ni'mat Allah, was Sarban. He was the eldest son. His descendants, via his son Sharkhbun, are mainly found in South Afghanistan, and via his other son Kharshbun, in the Peshawar Valley. Those in the west include the Abdalis, who since the mid-eighteenth century are called the Durranis. Those in the east include the Yousfzay, who lie north of Peshawar, and many other tribes in the same area.Genealogy of Pathan tribes, from The Imperial Gazetteer of India, Vol. XIX, Pg 207 The relationship between the descendants of Sharkhbun and Kharshbun is of great interest. If Ni'mat Allah is correct, this would indicate historical connections. In this context the spread of another group, namely the offspring of a man called Kasi, is also important. Kasi was another descendant of Kharshbun, the son of Sarban. Kasi's descendants include the Shinwaris, who nowadays live in the Jalalabad area west of Peshawar. But they also include two other tribes who live far to the south, in the Quetta region southeast of Qandahar, namely the Kasis themselves and the Ketrans.You can also download the Pata Khazana and see page number 10 which is about Kasi. Pata Khazana or the Hidden Treasure is a biography of Pashtoon poets from the earliest times to the time of Mohammad Hotak, the author. It was written in 1728-29 AD in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The earliest poet mentioned in Pata Khazana, Amir Krorr, died in 771 AD.Lt. General Sir Georage Macmunn observes: "This race (Semitic) claims that it is descended from Saul by a grandson Afghana, said to have been solomon's commander-in-Chief, through one Kish or Kasi, eighteenth in descent from the first King of Israel. There is no direct evidence in support of this claim."Sub-Tribes (Kasi Bin Kharashboon Bin Sarhban Bin Qais Abdul Rashid)1. Akazai (Balochistan)2. Zamarianai3. Muhammad Zai4. Moseegh5. Seron6. Kattran7. Qaum Yar8. Shinwari9. Herh10. Slatt11. Saam12. Alo ZaiBooks References1. Pata Khazana(Download)2. Book name: The Afghans ((WILLEM VOGELSANG))3. Book Name: Tarikh-e Morassa ((Afzal Khan Khattak))4. Book Name: International Encyclopedia of Islamic Dynasties5. Book Name:Tarikh-e-Kursheed-Jhan6. Book Name: Phonologies of Asia and Africa7. Book Name: Biographical encyclopaedia of Sufis By N. Hanif8. Book Name: A Glossary Of The Tribes And Castes Of The9. Book Name: Isis lactans By V. Tam Tinh Tran, Yvette Labrecque10. Book Name:Quetta & (underconstruction)Arif KasiKasi Tribe(this page is underconstructionVatan Publishers QuettaZarghoon Enterprises (Private) LimitedToday's Woman OrganizationDaily Shal QuettaDaily Gwadartimes GwadarNawaewatanFamous PeopleMir Aimal KasiSadiq Shaheed KasiShaheed Ghulam Hussain KasiNawab Arbab Muhammad Umar KasiNawab Arbab Khudadad Khan KasiArbab Abdul Kadir KasiArbab Abdul ZahirDur Mohammad KassiFeedbackfeedback: Muhammad Arif Kasi