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Q: There is a line of Earthquakes through the middle of the Atlantic true or false?
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True earthquakes and volcanoes can cause landslides.

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Is it true that Seismic waves end at an earthquakes center?

No, seismic waves generated by an earthquake do not end at its center. These waves radiate outwards in all directions from the focus (point where the earthquake originates) and travel through the Earth's interior until they dissipate or are absorbed by materials they encounter.

Is The movement of plates is causing the Atlantic Ocean to shrink.?

A+; False

Is the movements of plates causing the Atlantic ocean to shrink?

A+; False

A major problem in predicting earthquakes is that no single change in earth occurs for all earthquakes true or false?

True. Each earthquake is unique and can be caused by a variety of different factors. This makes it difficult to predict earthquakes accurately because no single change in the Earth occurs for all earthquakes.