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yes there is alot of water in earth.

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Q: There is a lot of water on on earth what percentage it is fresh?
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What kind of water doesn't have a lot of salt in it?

fresh water.

How much usable fresh water is there on Earth?

Around 8 to 10 million cubic miles of Earth's water is considered fresh water, of which some 6 to 7 million cubic miles (more than two-thirds) is frozen in glaciers and the ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica.

How physical processes affect the water supply?

earth's water cycle gives us fresh water. we use this fresh water for our daily consumption. when this water cycle is in danger ,our fresh water source also comes in danger. thus if any disturbances occur in the earth's water cycle ,these disturbances directly or indirectly affect our water supply. for example if an area's water supply depends upon a river's fresh water and if due to acid rain the water of that river gets contaminated then the water supply becomes contaminated and cannot be used.

Do fresh water lobsters regenerate?

defently a lot

What is the difference in salinity between salt water and fresh water environment?

To be blunt, salt water has a lot more salinity than fresh water.

Do Chinchillas drink a lot?

no but make sure you always have fresh water for them in their water bottle!!

What is the total volume of fresh water on earth in volume?

The total volume of fresh water on Earth is estimated to be about 10,633,450 cubic kilometers. This includes all sources of fresh water such as rivers, lakes, groundwater, and atmospheric water vapor.

Why do surfers need to drink a lot of fresh water?

because surfers contantly have salt water in there mouth and it dehydrates us so we need fresh water did that answer it bra

Where Do snapping turtles?

They live in water where they get a lot of sand. They definitely don't live in salt water,they live in fresh water lakes for sure where there's a lot of fish.

How much water is found on earth?

A lot

Can humans die if they drink to much fresh water?

Yes you will die don't try it. Well i don't know how much until you die but it is a lot of fresh water.

Where snapping turtle live?

They live in water where they get a lot of sand. They definitely don't live in salt water,they live in fresh water lakes for sure where there's a lot of fish.