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Q: There is usually a high correlation between the standard of living and?
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How are standard of living and GDP related?

Usually, the higher the GDP, the higher the standard of living.

What relationship exists between literacy rate and the standard of living?

The higher the standard of living the greater the literacy rate

What relationship exists between literacy rate and the standard living?

The higher the standard of living the greater the literacy rate

How literacy rate affect standard of living?

The literacy rate of an area, state, or country affects the standard of living by raising it. This is because there are more, better, and more advanced jobs open to a individual or population that has a higher literacy rate, especially high-paying jobs. The socio-economic classes are also affected by literacy rate. A lower literacy rate can increase the gap between them.In general, those who are able to read are more productive, i.e. are paid more. The correlation between literacy rates and standard of living has been shown to be positive.

Difference between high standard of living and high cost of living?

The cost of living is the cost maintaining a certain standard of living. The standard of living refers to he level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class in a certain geographic area. The standard of living is closely related to the quality of life.

Does the increase in the GNP reflect the standard of living and economic welfare?

An increase in the GNP does not always reflect the standard of living and economic welfare of the general population, though it usually does.

How are literacy rate and standard of living related?

If a person is unable to read or write they are unable to get a better job. Many jobs require a person to read directions, labels, forms, books, and manuals as well as fill out forms and reports. Not being able to do these things means a person has to do a lower level job, thus, making less money and they will live a lower standard of living. The literacy rate of an area, state, or country affects the standard of living by raising it. This is because there are more, better, and more advanced jobs open to a individual or population that has a higher literacy rate, especially high-paying jobs. The socio-economic classes are also affected by literacy rate. A lower literacy rate can increase the gap between them. If the level of literacy is increasing, it improves the standard of living too due to the good job opportunities and good income. this allows people to fullfill all the basic needs of the home and also other refreshments too. If there are more educated people, there is less poverty, crime, etc. Basically, the higher the literacy rate, the higher the standard of living

Why would you expect standard of living to differ between countries?

The availability of resources greatly influences the standard of living in an area or region, and the group of people that inhabit it.

What is Frances living standard?

Frances social welfare policies and well management have given it some of the highest living standards in the world exceeding the US and much of Europe. It has the 8th highest living standard in the world.

Standard of living in china between 2007 and 2008?

the people live hard

What is the best measurement for comparing the standard of living between two countries?

The best measurement for comparing the standard of living between two countries is the GDP in conjunction with the economic growth. GDP stands for Gross Domestic product.

What is the difference between developed country and developing countries?

The income level and standard of living