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The exact angle at which the beam and wave strike the surface is the same angle at which they are reflected.

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Q: These two figures show a flashlight beam being reflected off of a mirror and waves being reflected off of the side of a pool respectively What scientific property is illustrated by these two figures?
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What happens to the beam of a flashlight when it hits a mirror?

When a beam of light from a flashlight hits a mirror, it gets reflected off the mirror surface. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, following the law of reflection. This results in the beam bouncing off the mirror and changing direction.

What would be a deers eye color be with a white flashlight?

A deer's eye color with a white flashlight would be greenish yellow or yellow. This light is gathered by the eye while a portion is reflected back at the flashlight.

Why do the eyes of the cat blue at night when seen of the flashlight?

because thats the color thats reflected

What is the scientific term for how light is reflected?


If you shine a flashlight at a mirror what does it prove?

Shining a flashlight at a mirror demonstrates that light bounces off the mirror's surface in a process called reflection. By observing the light being reflected back towards you, you can understand how mirrors work to redirect light in a specific direction.

Will a flashlight reflect off a mirror in a dark room?

Yes, a flashlight beam will reflect off a mirror in a dark room as long as the mirror is reflective. The reflected light will illuminate the area where the mirror is facing.

What is a line of reflection?

A line of reflection is a reflected line, often off of a mirror. If a flashlight sends a beam of light at a mirror (the light is called the incident beam), the angle at which it hits the mirror will equall the angle at which the reflected beam of light (called the reflected beam), exits the mirror. This is called the Law of Reflection. This is why light is reflected from a mirror at the same angle at which light struck its surface. A line of reflection is a reflected line, often off of a mirror. If a flashlight sends a beam of light at a mirror (the light is called the incident beam), the angle at which it hits the mirror will equall the angle at which the reflected beam of light (called the reflected beam), exits the mirror. This is called the Law of Reflection. This is why light is reflected from a mirror at the same angle at which light struck its surface.

The angle between a flashlight beam that strikes a mirroe and the reflected beam is 80 degree what is the angle of incident?

80/2 = 40 deg

What is the scientific explanation for echos?

An echo is a sound wave that has reflected off a boundary

How does light travel from a flashlight to a soild?

Light travels from a flashlight to a solid through the process of reflection and absorption. When the light beam hits the solid surface, some of it is absorbed, and some is reflected. The absorbed light energy can cause the atoms in the solid to vibrate, generating heat.

When you shine a flashlight in to the sky does it ever come back or is it sucked into a black hole?

The light from a flashlight that is shined into the sky will not come back as it will keep traveling through space unless it is reflected off of something. It will not be sucked into a black hole unless the flashlight beam is directed towards a black hole, which is highly unlikely in everyday scenarios.

Can light waves be absorbed?

Sure. Shine a flashlight on a piece of black satin or black construction paper, and watch the intensity of the blinding glare that's reflected back.