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warp & weft .

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Q: These two words refer to the vertical and horizontal threads with which a weaver works?
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Can a bar graph go horizontally?

Yes. We usually refer to vertical ones as column charts and bar charts are actually the ones that are horizontal.

What does axis mean reffering to the x and y axis?

They refer to the horizontal x axis and the vertical y axis that are perpendicular to each other on the Cartesian plane

What are terms refer to the periodic table?

Elements, atomic number, atomic symbol, groups, periods, valence electrons.

What is vertical and horizontal polarization?

Light acts like both a particle and a wave. These particle-waves are oriented in random directions. Polarisation filters basically filter out the randomly oriented waves, and ensure that only light that is 'polarized' in a certain direction can pass through.Horizontal polarisation is when the light waves are oriented horizontally, and vertical is when the waves are vertical. The same princaple applies to the whole EM spectrum.

Horizontal prism or vertical prism which one is better?

In the case of a cuboid it makes little difference. In other cases, vertical, because many maths books refer to one of the non-rectangular sides as the "base" and a base should be at the bottom.

What is the difference between periods and families?

Periods refer to the rows on the periodic table, which indicate the number of electron shells an element's atoms possess. Families (or groups) refer to the columns on the periodic table, which indicate elements with similar chemical properties due to having the same number of valence electrons.

How many periods and groups are on the modern periodic table?

There are 7 periods and 18 groups on the modern periodic table. Periods refer to horizontal rows while groups refer to vertical columns on the table.

How do you explain abscissa and ordinate?

The vertical axis of a graph is known as the ordinate and the horizontal axis of a graph is known as the abscissa. So commonly when talking about (x,y) as a point on the graph, we refer to x value as the abscissa and y value as the ordinate.

How threads are implemented in unix?

There are multiple ways to implement threads. An answer is beyond the scope of this site - I would refer you to the many textbooks on operating systems that explain this in detail.

What is horizontal federalism?

Horizontal federalism is a term used to refer to the different ways that state governments relate to one another.

What does the quadrant elevation of a weapon refer to?

Vertical angle of the weapon barrel

What are some examples of synecdoche?

"The White House" to refer to the U.S. government, "wheels" to refer to a car, "threads" to refer to clothing, and "suits" to refer to business executives are examples of synecdoche.