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Q: This is a continuous set of numbers. Every real number from the starting value to the ending value is included. It is called an?
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When it is not included in the natural numbers, it is referred to as 'the natural numbers with zero'.

Which set of numbers is also called counting numbers?

Positive integers, (whole numbers) starting at 1

What is a continuous group?

A group has group operations. If these operations are continuous, it is called a continuos group. Addition of the real numbers under addition with the linear topology is one example. If I apply the discrete topology to any group, I can make it continuous. Note: we need continuous function and inverse!

What is the phobia of recurring decimals called?

That would probably be included in the fear of numbers: numerophobia or arithmophobia.

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The spreadsheet included with the iWork software suite is called Numbers.

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What numbers are called counting numbers?

Counting numbers are whole numbers except for zero.Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... and so onNote: Zero is sometimes included, but you really cannot count zero so the standard definition excludes it.

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Non-continuous data is called discrete data.

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Non-continuous data is called discrete data.

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Areas of the country with continuous and severe water shortages are called deserts.