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Q: This is a measure of the number of square units needed to cover the outside of a solute.?
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What is the molarity a measure of?

Molarity (M) indicates the number of moles of solute per liter of solution (moles/Liter) and is one of the most common units used to measure the concentration of a solution. Molarity can be used to calculate the volume of solvent or the amount of solute.

How will you determine the number of moles solute?

number of moles=solute concentration/solute molar mass

Why is energy needed to dissolve solute?

To break the attractions between particles of solute.

What term is defined as the number of moles of solute diveded by the number of liters of solute?

This is the molar concentration of the solute.

The cells interior is concidered isotonic to the surrounding fluid when?

The cell's interior is considered isotonic to the surrounding fluid when there is an equal concentration of solutes inside and outside the cell, resulting in no net movement of water across the cell membrane. This balance prevents the cell from either shrinking or swelling due to osmosis.

What are the steps to making a solution?

Determine the amount of solute needed. Measure out the solute and add it to a solvent. Stir or shake the solution until the solute is completely dissolved. Verify the concentration of the solution, if needed.

What is the molarity of a solution is defined as?

The concentration in moles of a substance in the solution

How many liters of a 0.30M solution are needed to give 2.7 moles of solute?

To find the volume of the solution needed, divide the number of moles of solute by the molarity of the solution. Therefore, 2.7 moles / 0.30 mol/L = 9 liters of the 0.30M solution are needed.

Diffusion of a solute into a cell occurs when the solute is?

I believe the answer is when it is uncharged.

Is the lower the molarity the higher the concentration or the lower the molarity the lower the concentration?

The lower the molarity, the lower the concentration. Molarity is a measure of the concentration of a solute in a solution. A lower molarity means there is less solute dissolved in the solution, resulting in a lower concentration of the solute.

How do you find the concenration of a solution?

Concentration of a solution is recorded in molarity (M). Molarity is the moles of solute divided my liters of solution. So to find the concentration of a solution, calculate the number of moles of the solute (the chemical being dissolved) and measure the number of liters of the solution (the water), then divide them.

What is molality of a solution?

Molality is a measure of solute concentration in a solution expressed as the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent. It is often used in place of molarity for concentrated solutions or when temperature changes significantly. Molality accounts for changes in volume due to temperature, making it a more reliable measure of concentration in some cases.