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Q: This is a publication issued at regular intervals of more than one day.?
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Related questions

What is meant by periods?

A periodical is a publication that is issued at regular intervals of more than one day. For example, weekly or monthly.

Why is the eclipse getting more frequent?

Eclipses are not getting more - or less - frequent. Eclipses - of the sun or the moon - happen at regular intervals, and are easily predictable many years in advance.

What is a star that becomes dimmer at regular intervals?

A star that becomes dimmer at regular intervals is called a variable star. These stars exhibit changes in brightness over time due to various factors such as pulsations in their outer layers or interactions with a companion star in a binary system. By monitoring their light variations, astronomers can learn more about the properties and evolution of these stars.

Why rails are fixed into sleepers at regular and short intervals?

To maintain the gauge. This is more or less the main purpose of the sleeper; if the rails just sat atop them they'd be effectively worthless.

What is a semi-postal stamp?

Semi-postal stamps are stamps that are issued to pay postage, but cost more than the standard postage rate. The additional money is contributed to charity. Many countries have issued such stamps on a regular basis. The US has only issued a couple such stamps.

How can you get to Kangaroo Island from Australia?

Ferries depart Adelaide, South Australia, at regular intervals for Kangaroo Island. For more information, click on the related link. And incidentally, Kangaroo Island is part of Australia.

Why are the Egyptian farmers more fortunate than the mesopotamia farmers?

Egyptian farmers were more fortunate than the farmers Mesopotamia because the Nile River floods at regular intervals. Flooding on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were very problematic and irregular.

What is a timing belt kit?

It's a toothed cam belt, pulleys and/or tensioners. Changing them at regular intervals prevents the catastrophic engine failure that will occur if a worn belt snaps or slips a couple of teeth.Read more: What_is_the_timing_belt_kit

What is the place and publication?

Can you provide more context or clarify your question?

What is the superlative for regular?

"Regular" doesn't have a comparative and superlative form. Instead, you would say "more regular" or "most regular."

Is Astronomy and Science publication a magazine?

If it is, it's not a well publicised, nor advertised one. More than likely it's a journal, or a specialised publication.

What president is on a quarter?

George Washington been on the regular issue quarter since 1932. There have failrly recently been quarters issued to honor every state and more recently various national parks.