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Q: This is the measured value from one point to another?
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What is an exchange rate used for?

An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.

What differecne between the accuracy and precision?

Accuracy is how close the value that is measured to a true or standard value. While precision is referred as the degree of nearness of the measured values to one another in a repeated same value.

A difference in electrical charge from one point to another is measured in millivots is called?

The difference in electrical charge from one point to another measured in millivolts is called voltage. Voltage is a measure of the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit and is responsible for the flow of electric current.

The height of a wave is measured from the top of one crest to the top of another.?

Yes, that is correct. The height of a wave is typically measured from the highest point of a wave, known as the crest, to the lowest point of the wave, known as the trough.

What is length measured with?

for the SI units of measurements, length is measured in meters. for anything else, length is measured in inches, feet, yards, etc.

What is exchanged rate used for?

An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.

What is angular bearing?

Angular bearing is a method used in navigation and surveying to describe the direction of one point from another in terms of a horizontal angle measured clockwise from a reference direction, often true north. It is expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds, and helps determine the orientation of one point relative to another on a map or in the field.

How many dimensions does a point have?

A point has no dimensions. It can be drawn anywhere or marked anywhere.A point is the one which cannot be measured.

What term is used to describe the measured distance from one end to another?

The term length is used to describe the measured distance from one end to another.

What is the difference with precision and accuracy?

Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to an excepted value. Precision refers to how close a series of measurements are to one another For example, if your experimental value is 15.63 and your values are... 12.84 13.02 12.96 They would be precise because they are close to one another but not accurate because they're not even close to the experimental value

When measuring one point to another what are you measuring?

When measuring one point to another point you are measuring distance.

What are some of the physical properties of matter that may assist you in discerning one type of matter from another?

Some physical properties of matter that can help distinguish one type from another include color, shape, size, density, melting point, boiling point, and solubility. These properties can be measured and observed to identify and differentiate between various substances.