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Q: This is the value of a variable for an entire population. It usually cannot be found directly?
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What are the disadvantages of variables?

The only disadvantage of a global variable is that you cannot directly encapsulate them. Other than that, there is no real disadvantage of global variables.

Are all costs variable?

Direct Cost are those costs that can be directly assigned to a production process. Indirect cost were those costs that cannot be directly assigned to production process but have to allocate to production. Variable costs are those costs that vary directly with the production level. Only Direct cost could be variable . But not all direct cost are variable. Thus direct cost contains both Variable and Fixed elements while indirect costs contains only fixed element.

What is the constant variable in Avogadro's law?

The question is about an oxymoronic expression. A constant cannot be a variable and a variable cannot be a constant!

Are all direct costs variable?

Direct Cost are those costs that can be directly assigned to a production process. Indirect cost were those costs that cannot be directly assigned to production process but have to allocate to production. Variable costs are those costs that vary directly with the production level. Only Direct cost could be variable . But not all direct cost are variable. Thus direct cost contains both Variable and Fixed elements while indirect costs contains only fixed element.

Intervening variable can be measured?

Intervening variables cannot be directly measured because they are theoretical constructs that explain the relationship between the independent and dependent variables in a study. Their impact is inferred based on the relationship between the variables of interest.

Describe how you can tell by looking at the graph of a function with variable is the input variable and which is the output variable?

You cannot.

What cannot possibly have a variable composition?

Nonstoichiometric compounds have a variable composition.

Which variable in the data that cannot be controlled?

In observational studies, the independent variable (or exposure) is the variable that cannot be controlled by the researcher. This variable is already present and its impact is observed without any intervention or manipulation by the researcher.

What is a discrete variable?

A discrete variable is one that cannot take on all values within the limits of the variable.

What is the variable that cannot be controlled in an experiment?

In an experiment, the variable that cannot be controlled is known as the independent variable. This is the factor that is manipulated or changed by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable. Controlling other variables helps to ensure that any changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable.

How do you know if you can or cannot include a variable in the GCF?

If the variable exists in all the terms, include it.

What is a variable whose content has a value that is read only and cannot be changed during the programs execution?

A constant variable is a variable whose value is set once and cannot be changed throughout the program's execution. Once defined, the value of a constant variable remains constant and cannot be altered.