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a x 3 = ((a + 4) x 2) + 2 ie 3a = 2a + 8 + 2 so a = 10 and other numbers are 12 & 14.

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Q: Three consecutive positive even numbers are such that thrice the first number exceeds double the third by 2 the number is?
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Why is it that when you subtract four consecutive numbers the answer is always double the highest number but in minus?

Clarify. Subtract four consecutive numbers ... from what? It appears you mean something like: 22 - 21 - 20 - 19 And the answer is NOT -44. It is -38 ... negative double of the LOWEST number. If this is what you mean, then you have discovered another rule of mathematics. It will always work. 1001 - 1000 - 999 - 998 = -1996 Exactly the negative double of 998

What if you double a triangular number?

You get a sequence of doubled triangular numbers. This sequence can also be represented by Un = n*(n + 1), [products of pairs of consecutive integers]

What can you say about the sum of two positive integers?

The sum will be a positive integer.It will be at least as large as double the smaller integer and at most as large as double the larger integer.

Why is it that when you subtract four consecutive numbers they equal double the highest number but in minus. eg 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 equals -8 4 plus 4 equals 8 equals -8?

Strictly speaking you are not subtracting 4 consecutive numbers because the first two (+1 and -2) are not consecutive. The result is easy to see algebraically. Suppose you start with x. Then you are calculating x - (x+1) - (x+2) - (x+3). That is, x - x-1 - x-2 - x-3 which simplifies to -2x - 6. Then taking the common factor, -2, out, you get -2*(x+3)

What a positive plus a negative?

a positive plus a negative is a positive example 9-(-2) you would change the double negative to a positive hope this helped :)

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States with consecutive double consonant's?

Tennessee and Mississippi are states with consecutive double consonants.

What two numbers have a gcf of 2?

There are infinitely many pair of numbers. Take any two numbers that are coprime. Double both of them. Their GCF is 2.

What English word has three consecutive double letters?

The English word with three consecutive double letters is "bookkeeper."

Why is it that when you subtract four consecutive numbers the answer is always double the highest number but in minus?

Clarify. Subtract four consecutive numbers ... from what? It appears you mean something like: 22 - 21 - 20 - 19 And the answer is NOT -44. It is -38 ... negative double of the LOWEST number. If this is what you mean, then you have discovered another rule of mathematics. It will always work. 1001 - 1000 - 999 - 998 = -1996 Exactly the negative double of 998

What numbers do you get when you add consecutive even numbers?

Leaving aside 2, you will get so-called singly even numbers, those which are divisible by 2 but not by 4. (e.g. 2 + 4 = 6) The sum of consecutive even integers (n) + (n+2) is 2n +2, which is double the intervening odd number (n+1).

Does a double negative number equal a positive number?

no it doesnt. two negative numbers equal a negative number. two postivie numbers equal a positive number. one negative and one positive number equal a negative number.

What word has 3 consecutive double letters in it?

The English word BOOKKEEPING or BOOKKEEPER has three sets of consecutive double letters. SUBBOOKKEEPER is the only word with four sets of consecutive double letters, although these words should be hyphenated.

What if you double a triangular number?

You get a sequence of doubled triangular numbers. This sequence can also be represented by Un = n*(n + 1), [products of pairs of consecutive integers]

What is another name for Multiples of Two?

Doubles. * * * * * [Positive] Even numbers. Normally negative numbers are not counted amongst the multiples of a number.

What is a near double?

"Near doubles" are 2 consecutive numbers. For example: 2 and 3, 7 and 8, 11 and 12. Therefore, 4 + 5 are near doubles.

What is a consecutive double letter word for pirate?


What English word 3 consecutive double letters?
