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name three ways to record four summarize data

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Q: Three different ways to record a summarized data?
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What are three different ways you could record or summarize data in your science journal?

Your data might be summarized in the form of tables, charts, or graphs, or they might be recorded in a paragraph .

Data granularity in a data warehouse?

Granularity refers to the level of detail of the data stored fact tables in a data warehouse. High granularity refers to data that is at or near the transaction level. Data that is at the transaction level is usually referred to as atomic level data. Low granularity refers to data that is summarized or aggregated, usually from the atomic level data. Summarized data can be lightly summarized as in daily or weekly summaries or highly summarized data such as yearly averages and totals.

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Seriously, there are many different types of CASE tools. They can be summarized as follows:Diagramming toolsReport generatorsAnalysis toolsDocumentation generatorsCode generatorsRepository of data

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different graphs emphasize different characteristics of a collection of summarized data.

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What are the different types of CASE tool?

Seriously, there are many different types of CASE tools. They can be summarized as follows:Diagramming toolsReport generatorsAnalysis toolsDocumentation generatorsCode generatorsRepository of data

What are 3 different ways you can record or summarize data?

graphs,data and illustration

Data that has been summarized otherwise manipulated for use in decision making is called?

Processed data.

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What are three ways to record data?

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What Difference between data record and information?

data record is about the Recording of data .. while information is the data which we are about to record