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  1. Syntax errors: errors due to the fact that the syntax of the language is not respected.(The first type of error is a syntax error. You already know that syntax errors are caused when you don ' t obey the syntax rules of C#. A common syntax rule you might make in the beginning is forgetting to terminate each program statement with a semicolon.

    Intellisense does an excellent job of catching syntax errors. While you may hate the squiggly line

    that Intellisense displays, it ' s a lot easier for Intellisense to detect and isolate syntax errors than it is for you to do it yourself.)

  2. Semantic errors: errors due to an improper use of program statements.( Logic errors are those errors that remain after all the semantic and syntax errors have been removed. Usually, logic errors manifest themselves when the result the program produces doesn ' t match the result your test data suggest it should produce. Most of the time, logic errors are found in the Process . Logic errors occur when you implement the algorithm for solving the problem incorrectly.

    The key to fixing logic errors is to be able to reproduce the error consistently. A repeatable logic error is much easier to track down and fix than an error that appears to be occurring randomly. you will learn the details of using some of the tools Visual Studio provides to help you detect and isolate program bugs.))

  3. Logical errors: errors due to the fact that the specification is not respected(A semantic error occurs when you obey the syntax rules of the language but are using the statement out of context. For example, a sentence in English is expected to have a noun and a verb. Consider the sentence " The dog meowed. " This sentence does obey the rules of having a noun and a verb, but the context of the sentence is out of whack. Dogs don ' t meow, therefore the context of the statement is incorrect. The error message I showed you earlier:

    The name 'i' does not exist in the current context refers to a type of semantic error. There may well be a variable named i defined somewhere in the program, but it is not currently in scope. That is, you are trying to use i when it is out of scope.Intellisense does a good job of detecting semantic errors.)

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Q: Three types of program errors and examples?
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