Ive been taught yes. Otherwise, you cant have a closed figure or straight lines. Both of which describes a polygon But when I looked it up on wikipedia for you (I left you a link, your welcome) I found the classifications saying that there are polygons with one (henagon/ monogon) and two (digon) sides. Why don't you take a look at the site? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon#Naming_polygons I also looked up their image on Google. A henagon is a circle. They classified a point on it as a side, making it a polygon. Link: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=henagon&gbv=2&aq=f&oq= A digon is more complicated, I can't even understand it. but here is a link to some images. There are 2 different digons I found: http://www.pballew.net/lune2.jpg http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Regular_digon_in_spherical_geometry-2.svg/240px-Regular_digon_in_spherical_geometry-2.svg.png&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digon&usg=__cvo67cucls1y356t_fenQcgE31E=&h=240&w=240&sz=25&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=UfE4uJUYp-NasM:&tbnh=110&tbnw=110&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddigon%2Bpolygon%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den (Ull find 3 more on that link)
That's a triangle. Draw a line, Change directions. Connect the open ends.
It's not possible to draw, list, or name all of the polygons.If you draw a polygon with the greatest number of sides you can think of, I can alwaysdraw a polygon with at least one more side than yours.
what is a regular polygon
draw an example of each polygon
a straightedge
At least three.
These terms describe polygons. To identify a polygon as convex, we draw a segment from any vertex to any other vertex. This segment cannot go outside of the polygon. Non-convex is concave. If we draw a segment from a vertex to any other vertex, at least one of the segments will go outside of the polygon.
You do not need a coordinate plane to draw a polygon. A polygon is simply a plane shape whose boundaries are straight line segments that meet at their ends but do not cross. So draw any number of points and draw straight ines from one to the next, and on to the next, and so on except that you must not cross an existing line and the last line must end at the starting point. And there you have it: your polygon!You do not need a coordinate plane to draw a polygon. A polygon is simply a plane shape whose boundaries are straight line segments that meet at their ends but do not cross. So draw any number of points and draw straight ines from one to the next, and on to the next, and so on except that you must not cross an existing line and the last line must end at the starting point. And there you have it: your polygon!You do not need a coordinate plane to draw a polygon. A polygon is simply a plane shape whose boundaries are straight line segments that meet at their ends but do not cross. So draw any number of points and draw straight ines from one to the next, and on to the next, and so on except that you must not cross an existing line and the last line must end at the starting point. And there you have it: your polygon!You do not need a coordinate plane to draw a polygon. A polygon is simply a plane shape whose boundaries are straight line segments that meet at their ends but do not cross. So draw any number of points and draw straight ines from one to the next, and on to the next, and so on except that you must not cross an existing line and the last line must end at the starting point. And there you have it: your polygon!
You draw a series of line segments joining the points which would be the middle of the top of each bar of the histogram.
draw a polygon that is congruent?
That's a triangle. Draw a line, Change directions. Connect the open ends.
yes. there is no way you can draw a triangle without three sides.
It's not possible to draw, list, or name all of the polygons.If you draw a polygon with the greatest number of sides you can think of, I can alwaysdraw a polygon with at least one more side than yours.
draw any polygon and shade its interior
Of course. The vertices of a triangle, and any three vertices of any other polygon, are non-collinear. In the case of a triangle and a quadrilateral, if you had three collinear vertices, then you couldn't have the polygon.
what is a regular polygon