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Q: To favor one side of an issue is to be what?
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Which of these is an organization that attempts to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue?

Interest group!

What is the main purpose of a interest group?

to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue

What is favoring one side of a political issue called?

A Person That Is Favoring One Side Of An Political Issue Is Called An Partisan.

Which of theses is an organization that attempts to influence legislator in favor of one particular issue?

Interest group!

What is the main purpose of special interests groups?

to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue

What is the attitudes of a large group of people on a particular issue?

An attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event, including a political or social issue.A group of people who favor an issue are supporters of the issue.A group of people who don't favor an issue are opponentsof the issue.

What is word that means to favor one side beginning with L?


What was one purpose for propagonda?

To get more supporters on one side rather than the other by making an event appear in favor of said side.

Favoring one side of an issue?

don't know

What is the definition of a position issue?

A position issue is an issue that different parties disagree on, as opposed to a valence issue, which is an issue that the electorate generally all takes one side on.

What is avority?

it is like you give them your side, like if you have to pick a side, you choose the side that you favor

A person favoring one side of a political issue is?

the correct answer is partisan