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Q: To interest or trouble yourself with?
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Why you are interest to wark in morisson?

If this is for a job interview, you should answer yourself, why you are interested to work in Morisson - not why some other person would like to work there.

How do you find the interest on 700 for 1 year at 6 percent?

You say to yourself "Six percent is the same as 0.06 ."0.06 x 700 = 42

Will you get in trouble if you change your first in math score?

Don't cheat yourself. If it is bad work on it. If you get a job related with maths you can earn megabucks but the only way you get there is being honest.

When having a big number 2 is it ok to push to make it come out?

It is okay to push out a "number 2" if you are having trouble. However, don't strain yourself as it could cause damage.

Can you use real life situation and people in your book?

Yes - but you may want to change names etc. to avoid hurting people or instigating a lawsuit upon yourself - unless you don't mind the trouble -