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Q: To quell a tumultuous situation one must first question those involved true?
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Either person can say goodbye first. It depends on the situation and the individuals involved.

If makers you high why do they make them scented?

First of all, that question doesn't make sense. Second of all, you got a situation here. And that situation is how good looking the situation's situation is.

How are they involved with child labor?

First of all ... who are "they"?! otherwise NO ONE can answer this question.

Who invented the first blimp?

The first successful blimp, or non-rigid airship, was created by Ferdinand von Zeppelin, a German military officer, in the late 19th century. Zeppelin's airship, called the LZ 1, made its maiden flight in 1900. His designs would go on to influence the development of airships for years to come.

What are voluntary responses?

A voluntary action to a situation or a question, whether thought out first or as an instant response.

What did Henry VII gamble on?

On his cards table. If you mean any political or military situation he was involved in, please first indicate which one you mean.

What are the steps before rendering first aid?

Call 911 first! Then the rest is based on the situation and your knowledge with administering first aid. Above all if you don't know what to do, keep body warm to keep from going into shock. Rephrase your question as to what first aid situation you are referring to.

Does emancipation cost?

The first question is whether or not emancipation is even available in your jurisdiction. There are costs involved in emancipation. There are court filing fees and an attorney may need to be involved.


Robert Burns' first wife was Jean Armour. They married in 1788 after a tumultuous courtship, and they had nine children together.

How and when did England first get involved?

I am sorry but we can't answer because we don't know what you want to know. You need to clarify your question.

What is the difference between first and at first?

"First" is used to refer to the initial item in a list or sequence. "At first" is used to indicate the initial stage or period of time in a process or situation.

What would you do in a situation where a detainee was acting unsafely toward another prisoner and failing to follow your instructions to stop the action in question?

In this situation, I would first try to verbally intervene and clearly communicate the consequences of their actions. If the detainee continues to act unsafely, I would escalate the situation by involving additional staff members to help gain control and ensure the safety of all individuals involved. If necessary, physical intervention in accordance with established protocols may be required to prevent harm.